"Nope. Not someone like you. It's a gift to be with you, specifically." He kissed her before she could respond, saving himself the awkwardness of having to backtrack on it.

She locked her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The kisses were electric and intense, and he knew she wasn't holding back any more than he was. They'd crossed that line, and neither of them wanted to go back.

With heat and need driving him, he explored her body with his hands and mouth, tracking her responses to figure out what she liked the most, what took her to the edge, and then brought her back every time before she went over. It was heady and electric to have her respond to him so completely, with full trust and surrender. She let herself fully embrace the moment, which was such a massive turn on that it was all he could do to keep himself from going all the way.

But he wanted it to last. He wanted to bring her to the precipice so she had no control, nothing left but complete surrender to what was happening between them. He hadn't wasted time with women who didn't matter, so his list of past relationships was short, but he knew damn well that what was happening between the two of them didn't come along very often.

They were connected, aligned, and wholly into each other.Everywhere she touched him ignited a fire in him, and the same happened everywhere he touched her or kissed her.

Their whispers, their muted laughter, their jokes, everything created an intimacy that amplified all they were experiencing and creating. He'd never been so turned on, and he'd never felt so much lightness in his heart.

Piper pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Make love to me, Declan. Let's do this now."

He smiled at her command, and obligingly moved over her. "I've been waiting for you to ask," he teased, even as he slid inside her.

"Oh, wow, yes. Perfect. Great." She gripped his shoulders, closing her eyes as he moved inside her.

He loved watching her face. It was so expressive, not hiding what she was feeling, how he made her feel. She was so free and unreserved right now, and he loved it. He loved that she trusted him enough to let down her guard. First, the glimpse into her past, into the life she hid from the world, and now, this moment, complete surrender physically and emotionally.

"I won't let you down, Piper," he whispered, as he began to move faster. "I swear to you, I'll never let you down." He'd let a lot of people down in his life, but not anymore. Not today. Not her.

Her eyes snapped open, and they were full of emotion. She said nothing, but she pulled him in for a kiss. There was a new layer to her kiss. More need, more honesty, more desperation.

He kissed her back even as he reached down and invited her to reach the levels he hadn't let her get to before. When she dropped her head back and gripped the sheets, intense satisfaction coursed through him. She was completely his, in this moment. Completely, and totally his, and he loved it.

One final burst, and her body surrendered completely to his siren call. The moment she orgasmed, he had no chance to stop himself from following her. He held her tight as they rode the wave together, an extended, endless wave so intense that he thought it might kill him.

But what a way to go.


Piper jerked awake, startled, but she wasn't sure why. She opened her eyes to find Angel on her bed. Her first thought was that Declan had woken at some point, gone to his house to get his dog, and then come back.He could have stayed at his house, but he hadn't.

He'd come back to sleep with her.

What did that mean?

Angel suddenly let out a low growl, and Declan put his hand on her back. "Quiet, girl," he said softly. "I need you to stay here and keep Piper safe while I go check it out."

Um, hello? He was awake? "Keep me safe?" Piper asked. "What's going on?"

Declan leaned over Angel's back, and she could see he was dressed. "There's someone outside," he said. "I'm going to go check it out. Stay here with Angel."

"What?" She bolted upright. "You can't go out there. That's what they do in horror movies and then get chopped up."

"Right. They should call the cops. I'm a cop."


"It's what I do." He stood up. All business. All focused.

"It's what you used to do. Do you even have a gun?"

"It's at my house, but I'm good." He walked to the door. "Stay here. I'll be back." And with that, he was gone, closing the door behind him.

Piper lunged for her clothes, getting dressed as fast as she could. Her heart was hammering. It felt like the night she'd been shot, and she didn't like it. Roman couldn't have gotten there already. But what if he'd told the rest of her family, and they'd told the wrong person? Shit, shit,shit.She shouldn’t have called him. She should have been smarter.

Or maybe it was Dick. Maybe he'd realized his wife and kids were gone, and he'd figured out that she was involved.