He kept his eyes closed. "Okay, what?" The woman was so damned elusive sometimes. She kept him guessing and he loved that.

"Okay, that's what you were sorry about."

"What else would I be sorry about?"

"Kissing me like you wanted to throw me over your shoulder, cart me upstairs, and have your shirtless, sweaty carpenter way with me."

This conversation was not helping him get his libido under control. "Is that how I kissed you?"

"It is. That's not what you meant to do?"

"I didn't have a clear plan."

"If you had one now, how would you kiss me?"

He caught his breath. "Same way."


He smiled to himself. "Okay, what?" He loved that she was such an enigma.

"Okay, you can kiss me like that again, but only on one condition."

He still had his arm over his face, but anticipation rippled through him. "What's that?"

"You don't break your promise."

"To not get naked with you?"

"No. The implied promise that you're going to cart me off to the bedroom and have your shirtless, sweaty carpenter way with me."

He swore under his breath, then sat up and leaned over her. She opened her eyes to look at him, her blue eyes wide and clear. "What?" she asked.

"I would love to take you upstairs and get naked with you."

She smiled. "That's such a nice thing to say to a woman. You're definitely a dangerous charmer."

"What about our deal?"

"We're still fake engaged."

He hesitated. "Piper?—"

"Shut up and kiss me, you silly man."

He grinned. "Well, when you put it that way—" He got up, held out his hand to her, then pulled her to her feet and into his arms.

He took a moment to kiss her thoroughly, then he picked her up, not over his shoulder, but against his chest, so her legs were around his hips, and he was holding her ass. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him as he set off toward the stairs.

She was a hell of a lot lighter than most of the construction crap he hauled around, and so much more fun, and they were both laughing as he headed up the stairs, carefully balancing so as to protect his knee.

They hit the second floor, and then they made it to her bedroom, still kissing. By the time they collapsed on the bed, their clothes had already come off in a desperate frenzy. They were both naked before the mattress had finished sinking beneath them, but the moment he felt her body against his, he had to pause to experience it. "God, this is amazing," he whispered, bending his head to trail a row of kisses along her collarbone. "Your skin is incredible."

She smiled, her lids at half-mast. "My skin likes your lips."

He laughed as he ran his hand down her hip, and along her thigh. "You're so weird."

"Right? You're welcome. It's a gift to be with someone like me."