And with that, the heat between them suddenly came on like a furnace. She glanced at him. "Yes, please. Fix it."

"You bet." He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the mark on her forehead.

"Oh." She winced and started laughing. "That actually hurt."

"Shit. And to think I was trying to seduce you with that kiss. I'm not into seduction with pain. Not my thing."

She raised her brows. "What are you into, then?"

He paused, then brushed his lips very gently over her brow. "Today? Now?"

"Yep. Right now." She closed her eyes, going still as he trailed kisses across her forehead, carefully skipping the red mark.

"Right now," he said, his voice low and intimate, "I'm thinking about long, tantalizing kisses."

"Can you give an example? Just for clarity."

"Yeah. Sure." He leaned over and kissed her. Slow, leisurely, and tempting. He added in some kisses on her throat, along the corners of her mouth, and finished with a precisely orchestrated kiss of pure ingenuity and well-planned tongue seduction.

A damned good kiss. He may have intended to seduce her, but it had worked its magic on him as well. Desire was coiled tight in his belly, and he pulled back, anticipation coursing through him.

Piper didn't move. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were parted, as if she were waiting for more.

"How was that?" he asked.

"What?" She opened her eyes. "Did you kiss me? Sorry. I was thinking about your house-building skills. Do it again. I'll pay attention this time."

He burst out laughing. "It's a good thing I have a strong ego."

"You literally just said you live by the ego, so I was helping you strengthen it."

"So, you did notice I kissed you."

"Did you really kiss me?" She propped herself up on her elbows, giving him a wide-eyed, innocent look. "I thought you were kidding. How did I not notice?"

He growled playfully and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her again. This time, it was a kiss of pure heat. No more seduction. Straight into the fire. He threw his leg over her hip, locking her against him as he deepened the kiss. He kept it up, not giving her a moment to breathe, until she finally surrendered to the kiss.

He knew the moment she gave up the pretense. Her arms slid around his neck, her body melted into his, and she began kissing him back just as fiercely as he was kissing her. The heat that had been building between them since their first faked kiss in her bed came to life with a roar.

Memories and emotions from his past tried to grab him and drag him under, but he shut them out. Instead, he focused completely on every sensation of having Piper in his arms. The feel of her body against his. The taste of her lips. The adorable way she held onto him, as if she were afraid he was going to pull away. The way she smelled, that flowery scent that he'd always noticed about her, which was now wrapped around him, delving into his skin and his clothes.

He wanted more.

He wanted it all, with Piper, right now.

The thought was stunning. He'd been dead to romance for so long. His need for Piper, his response to Piper was so unexpected…and it felt so right.

But did he dare cross that line with her? They'd made a deal, and getting naked wasn't part of it. He swore and broke contact, rolling onto his back. He draped his arm over his forehead and took a breath, trying to ease the raw need for her.

Piper didn't move. She just stayed on her back on the tile floor, also breathing hard. "What was that?" she asked.

"Sorry. That got away from me."

"What are you sorry about?"

He closed his eyes. "Breaking our deal."
