"And if she doesn't know?"

"You don't know anything for sure either."

She let out her breath. "So, I just do my job as usual?"

"Yeah. Until and unless you witness something concrete enough that you need to take it to her. Other than that, you have to stay out of it. If he's cheating on her, it'll come out."

"Before the wedding?"

He shrugged. "Let's take it one day at a time." He paused, thinking. "I could help. I'll bond with him as a guy and see what I can get out of him."

Her face brightened. "You will?"

"Yeah. I can interfere without it affecting my career. You can't.Find out where he'll be, and I'll show up. See what the male bond can uncover."

She beamed at him. "Thank you. You're amazing."

He felt like his whole soul lit up when she smiled at him like that. "No problem. It's what a good fiancé does, right?"

"I don't know. I've never had a good fiancé."

He wasn't sure he'd ever been one.

She touched his shoulder. "Thanks for your help. I'm going to head out."

He narrowed his eyes, studying her. She looked tired. Worn out. "You all right?"

Tears suddenly filled her eyes, startling him. "I'm great. Thanks. Just a long day."

Protectiveness surged through Declan, and he leaned forward. She might not want his protection, but that didn't mean he could turn it off. "Talk to me."

She raised her brows. "I'm fine."

He could feel the weight in her words. She wasn't fine. "I did mention to you that I'm a human lie detector, right? You know, ex-cop and stuff?"

The corner of her mouth curved up. "You're very irritating."

"I know." He paused, trying to think. He knew the stress she was under, and he also knew that mistakes happened when under stress. "All right. I'll make a deal."

She folded her arms over her chest. "What's that?"

"I'll stop asking about your emotional state if you play a game of darts with me."

"Darts?" Her gaze shot to the dart board near her, and interest flickered in her eyes. "I love darts."

Well, damn. How many wedding planners in his mom's circles know how to play darts? He wanted to ask why she was a darts girl, but he wasn't ready to push her away. "I'm excellent at darts. Better than you, I suspect."

Her brows went up. "You saw me with the can opener. You really want to challenge me to darts?"

Ah…she had a competitive streak. He loved that. "I do," he said. "I definitely want to challenge you. Throwing a dart is nothing like throwing a can opener. There's a lot more finesse involved."

Challenge flashed in her eyes. "I'll destroy your fragile male ego if we play."

"My ego isn't frail. It's rock solid."

"Is it?"

"Like a boulder." He turned toward the bar. "Aiden! You need me anymore tonight?"