"That I fall in love with her, and she gets shot and dies in my arms." The words fell out before he realized he was saying them, but once they were out, it was too late.

They hung in the air, weighty and thick, taking up the oxygen like a thief.

"Hiding from possible loss isn't living," Aiden said finally. "And it's an insult to those who don't get to live. If you're interested in Piper, then you need to honor that. Don't kick yourself in the ass or try to crush the light that's trying to come back to life. Go with it. You owe yourself that. Just allow yourself to live your truth."

Declan braced his hands on the counter and let out his breath. "I don't want to."

"Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be having the response to her that you're having—" Aiden laughed softly. "Speak of the devil. Blue dress and everything."

Declan looked sharply to the door, and sucked in his breath when he saw Piper walking into the bar. She was wearing a blue dress that fit her like it was best friends with every curve on her. But in a fashion statement that was adorable, she was wearing sneakers and carrying a gray hooded sweatshirt on her arm.

She scanned the bar, and when her gaze fell on him, relief flashed across her face.

Something was wrong. He knew it.


Declan instantly stood taller, and waved Piper over.

Aiden nudged him on the shoulder. "Go on break. I got this covered."

"Yeah, great." Declan didn't hesitate for a second. He just stepped around the bar and met her halfway. "You okay?"

She looked at him with her gorgeous blue eyes. "Do you have a second to talk? I need advice."

"Yeah, you bet." He took her arm and guided her to a table in the corner. "You want something to drink?"

"No, I'm good." She sat down and faced him.

"What's up?"

She grimaced and leaned in. "I think Wendall made a pass at me today. But it was subtle. I'm not sure. I might be imagining it. I'm imagining it, right? You met him. What did you think?"

Oh, fuck.He owed her the truth. "I noticed he was staring at your body today," he said. "I didn't like his vibe."

"Dammit." She leaned back in her seat. "I've felt something was off for a while, but I figured it wasn't my job to interfere. But now with this whole Bride Protector craziness that's going on, I'm thinking differently."

Declan leaned forward. "Because you're a good person. You care about people, not just making a deal. It's okay to be like that."

"Is it?" She drummed her fingers on the table. "I can't say anything to April. I don't have any concrete evidence. It's just a feeling. I can't say anything based on a feeling."

"No, you can't." He paused. "I have contacts who could trail him."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, God. Can you imagine how that would go over? Hire me for your wedding, and I'll hire a private investigator to trail your fiancé to catch him cheating? I can't do that."

Declan chuckled. "Yeah, that's a whole new level of bride protector."

"Right?" She sat back. "So, what do I do?"

"Do nothing," he said.

"Nothing? Really?" She frowned. "That doesn't feel right."

"Has he actually done anything?"

"No, but?—"

"Then do nothing. Just keep moving forward, and keep an eye out. If something actually happens, then reevaluate. If not, then you can't interfere. April may know exactly what is going on and not care."