Her cheeks were flushed, and he had to keep himself from grinning. Yeah, he knew how to turn it on. He had to admit, it was kind of fun. "And you must be April's sister?" he said to her mom. Oldest damn trick in the book, but when in Rome, right?

April's mom gave him a look like she knew what he was doing, but she loved it anyway. "Any relation to Kitty Jones?"

He flashed her a grin. "Her favorite son."

She smiled then and held out her hand. "Lisbeth Hunsaker. Lovely to meet you."

He shot a glance at Piper, wiggled his brows, then took Lisbeth's hand and gave it a proper honoring worthy of the most well-bred country club sort.

Piper had to turn her head away to hide her smile, but April and Lisbeth both beamed at him. It was absurd the games that they played, how easy it was to make them fall for him. Money, connections, and obsequiousness. No wonder he'd walked away. No wonder his dad had declined to join his mom most of the time for her social outings.

"How did we get the honor of your presence, Mr. Jones?" Lisbeth asked.

"Declan. Call me Declan. I was in the area and wanted to stop in and say hello." He turned to Piper. "Piper?—"

"What were you doing in the area?" Lisbeth asked, with a pointed glance at his jeans and work boots.

He turned back to her. "I was buying paint."

Piper gave him a look, and he swore. He probably should have said he was buying a new Rolex or making money doing something.

"For what?"

"My house. I'm redoing it."

Lisbeth's mouth pursed. "You're a laborer?"

"He's a genius," Piper interrupted. "Show her pictures."

Declan didn't give a shit what Lisbeth thought of him, but he knew Piper needed a win here, so he pulled out his phone. He flipped to a few before and after pictures of his house and handed his phone to Lisbeth.

She and April leaned in, scrolled through the photos.

To his surprise, he tensed, waiting for their response. He'd done the house for himself, but he loved it. He suddenly deeply regretted allowing anyone to see or judge what he'd created.

Then April looked up. "You designed and built this?"


"It's gorgeous."

He couldn't help but grin. "Thanks."

"Will you build our house?" April said. "Wendall hired a contractor, but your work is so much better."

"Do your house?" Declan was startled by the offer. "I'm not for hire. It's not my job. I just do it for fun."

"How much would it take to make it your job?" Lisbeth asked.

"No price. I'm not for sale." He took his phone back and shoved it in his pocket. "I gotta go. Piper?"

She was watching him with a thoughtful look, and laughter chased away his crankiness. His little fake fiancée was planning something, and he knew he wouldn't like it. "No," he said.

She grinned. "You don't even know what I was thinking."

"It doesn't matter. You have that look in your eye." On a whim, he leaned in and kissed her, a little longer and less proper this time. Not for show, but because he needed to connect with her authenticity. Piper might play in this world, but she was nothing like it. He broke the kiss. "See you at home, my love."

She grinned. "You bet."