Piper took a deep breath and went to work. "I met with April last night. We're still with her, and I made some good progress helping her reframe what happened. I think we're in better shape than before." She'd spent last night and this morning canvassingthe internet and social media to find new brides to win over. "I have meetings scheduled with four possible new clients this week. Here's the list." She slid the list of high-profile names across her desk.

Irina didn't look at them.

She just flattened both palms on the desktop and leaned in, tapping into her favorite power stance. "You lost two clients over the weekend, and a third cancelled her wedding, citing you as the reason. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I have the facts wrong. Tell me that while I was out fighting for my family, you didn't totally screw up my business. Tell me that, Piper. Tell it to me."

Shit."April now considers me the Bride Protector, not the Wedding Killer. Trust me, that gives us a unique spin that no one else has."

"Us? There is no us. You were a temporary hire, and your season is over." Irina shook her head in visible disappointment and disbelief. "I believed in you, Piper. I gave you a chance, and you…" She held out her hands. "Wedding killer? Really? How did you even manage to do that?"

Piper managed not to grimace. Instead, she lifted her chin and met Irina's gaze. "It's a good thing," she announced with absolute confidence…that was a complete façade.

"Really?" Irina sat down. "Tell me how it's a good thing that I lost three clients in one weekend. I'm listening."

"I'm the bride protector, Irina. It means I protect the brides on their big day."

"Protect them fromwhat?"

"Anything. Mother-in-law nightmares. Chaos. Or a man who is cheating on her who she'll regret marrying her whole life." Piper leaned in. "We're the company who the brides can count on to put their best interests first, and not simply use them to make money."

Irina crossed her legs and bounced her foot. "We do use them to make money."

"Everyone uses these women to make money," Piper said. "Literally everyone in their lives. If there is one person in the world they can trust to look out for them, likereallylook out for them, then they will trust us in a way they can't trust anyone else."

Irina didn't speak for a moment, then suddenly stopped bouncing her foot. "I'm almost certain this is asinine, but you have one minute to convince me otherwise. Start."

Piper quickly filled her in on the conversation she and Declan had had the previous evening with April. "She loved it," Piper finished. "And then she went back and told her friends."

Irina drummed her fingers on the arm of the chair. "How attractive is your fiancé?"

"Very attractive."


Piper pressed her lips together. She didn't like Declan being reduced to money and looks.

"Rich?" Irina repeated.

Reluctantly, Piper nodded.

Irina thought about that. "All right. I'm willing to run with this. If you can land four new clients this week to replace the three we lost, then you can come to work on Monday. I'm not promising you anything long term, but you at least have earned yourself another chance. You have until Sunday at eight. Use this Declan of yours. He sounds helpful."

Relief rushed through Piper. "I won't let you down. I promise."

Irina leaned forward, and her face softened. "Piper, I know you're excellent at your job. But in this business, it's not simply about the execution. We create magic for brides, and you've managed to coat yourself in grime. No bride wants a fairytale covered in grime and doubt."

Piper's stomach tightened. Grime? She wasgrime? "I know, but?—"

"The only reason I'm giving you a chance to turn this around is because it's a mess that you made that I don't want to take the time to clean up. Plus, you're hungry, and that makes a woman bethe best she can be. Be better, Piper. Because this is the end of the line for you, and we both know it."

And with that, Irina stood up and strode out of the office, leaving behind her the scent of power and mercilessness.

Piper leaned back in her seat, fighting back the sudden tears. Everything about that conversation felt terrible. She was grime. She was prostituting Declan. Her job with brides was to take their money. And even if she achieved the impossible this week, all it got her was Monday morning at the office.

No promises beyond that.

Piper touched her necklace. "Mom," she whispered. "I'm trying. But I'm failing so badly."

How many hours had she and her mom spent dreaming of the life Piper was fighting for? Of the career she'd blown? Of becoming an independent woman who would never need to rely on a man for anything?