He'd spent a lot of time observing people as a cop, and yet, he couldn't quite figure out these four women.

Keira held her arms up in the victory sign. "I called this! I said Declan was too hot to handle and Piper knew it."

"You did," Tori agreed. "Piper said Declan was a grump and there was no chemistry."

"Little liar," Keira said. "You've had the hots for him all this time."

"I never had the hots for him," Piper said. "He's not hot. He was handy."

"Handy?" He grinned. "I'mhandy? And grumpy?"

"You could have picked anyone, and you picked him?" Maddie was openly smiling now. "Lucas has a number of single brothers, who are freaking rich as hell. He would have set you up, but you picked your grumpy landlord?"

Piper's smile faded. "He was handy," she said again.

"He's less handy than Lucas's brothers," Maddie said. "It's not too late. You could upgrade to celebrity status."

Declan knew who they were talking about. Lucas Hart, Maddie's fiancé, was one of the Harts. They were a found family that had met as homeless kids, taken the same last name, and called themselves family. They were now billionaires, thanks to their software genius, and owners of a massive ranch in Oregon.

And Piper's friends were right. The Harts were reclusive celebrities that any woman would want.

He was a washed-up cop with an ex-pop star mom who had some well-loved songs.

All his energy dropped in a hurry. The thought of some other guy kissing Piper to save her career didn't sit well with him, but he'd already decided his job was to protect her, and ifthat meant handing her off to someone better, then that's what he had to do.

He ground his jaw and leaned forward. "Piper. Maddie's right. The Harts carry a hell of a lot more weight than I do."

All four women stared at him, and Tori hit his arm. "You don't want to help Piper out?"

"You're ditching her?" Keira asked.

"What? No. I just feel like a Hart can do a lot—" He stopped as Piper stared at him, an inscrutable look on her face. "What?"

She turned to face him, lifting her chin. "If you want out, that's fine. You have an exit at any time." Her voice was cool. Reserved.

He felt the weight of all the women staring at him. "I don't want out," he said carefully. "I want you to have what you need."

No one said anything. They just watched him. He could probably feel their disapproval.

Declan knew he was definitely screwing things up right now. "Look, Piper, I'm all in, but I do realize that a Hart could do more. I hadn't thought of Maddie and Lucas, but?—"

Piper held up her hands. "Stop talking."

He swore. "Piper?—"

Maddie interrupted. "Declan, Piper was well aware that the Harts exist, have two private jets, and consider all of us family now. And yet, she picked you. Sit on that for a second."

Piper looked away from him, watching the table with April. "You have about three seconds to take off before April notices us," she said. "I'll keep the ring for now until the Harts can get me one. Which Hart, Maddie?"

No one answered, but Declan felt Piper's three friends all glaring at him.

He thought about what Maddie had said. That Piper had chosen him. Why? He didn't know. But he knew Piper was dealing with a lot of shit that was weighing her down, and she'd picked him.

Was he going to let her down? Fuck no. He wasn't a Hart, but he'd once been damned good at making things happen. He puthis arm around the back of her chair and leaned in. "Piper," he said quietly. "I'm going to say this only once, and I mean every word of it. Got it?"

Her gaze flicked briefly to his, and then returned to April. "Whatever."

"Kissing you was like waking up from a coma that's kept me trapped for years."