Piper hugged them all, but then there was a shriek from the back of the plane.

She spun around and saw the two Hart sisters, Meg and Bella, pop out. "Surprise!"

Piper's heart tightened when she saw them. Meg and Bella were fantastic, and they were already getting swept up into their circle of friends. "You guys are on this flight?"

"We hitched a ride from Oregon," Bella said, bounding into the room and hugging Piper. "We didn't want to miss out on the fun. The rest of the Harts are coming straight from Oregon in a couple days, but we cleared our schedules to come early."

Piper felt so loved, and it was wonderful. "That's fantastic."

"Right?" Bella put her hands on Piper's shoulders as everyone settled in and found their spots. "I have a question for you, and you have to feel free to say no. No pressure just because we're basically family now."

Piper nodded. "Sure. What's up?"

"You know how I run a restaurant on the dude ranch vacation part of the Hart Ranch?"

"Of course. You're an amazing cook."

Bella grinned. "Thank you. I know I am." She took a breath. "I'm really jealous of Lucas starting a life out here with Maddie and you guys. He got me thinking. After the season is over in Oregon for the dude ranch, I'd like to come out here and do a catering business. I was thinking of maybe working with you and doing some weddings. What do you think?"

Piper stared at her, sudden tears filling her eyes. "A catering business?" Exactly like it had all started with her and her mom.

"Yes. I know that when you and Kitty book places that have kitchens, you have to use their staff, but what about the others? I know you're trying to make your services accessible to brides who don't have a lot of money, so I'd love to do those weddings. I don't need money. I just love the idea of being involved in the fairytales you create. What do you think?"

Kitty leaned over Piper's shoulder. "I think it's fantastic. I'm in."

Piper grinned. "Me, too. I'd love to work with you." Bella was so much fun, but there were also a lot of shadows in her eyes. Like the other Harts, Bella had a traumatic past, and she had made it clear she wasn't interested in dating. She wanted to build her own business, and Piper totally understood that.

Relief flashed in Bella's eyes. "Awesome. I was afraid you'd say no." She took a breath. "It's terrifying to think of leaving the ranch, but I have to do it. Thanks for letting me land here."

Piper hugged her. "You always have a home with us, Bella. Always."

Bella nodded. "Thanks," she whispered. "I love my brothers, but having sisters is special. I'm so grateful Maddie brought you all into our lives."

"Me, too." She hugged Bella again, and laughed with so much happiness when Kitty threw her arms around both of them.

"Hug the bride," Kitty yelled.

Piper shrieked with laughter as her friends tackled her, giggling and laughing. There was so much joy bubbling through the plane, her heart was so full. She'd thought she had it all when she'd had her three friends, but now? More and more amazing people kept coming into her life, including their fifth friend from the loft days, Ella, who was meeting them in Paris.

"Any space left in here for men?" Lucas appeared in the doorway, along with Declan's friend Aiden, and his brother Eric.

And behind them was Roman. Her heart tightened when she saw him. He'd named his taco truck business after their mom, Lucy, and her amazing tacos. Every time she saw that truck and her mom's face smiling at her, she felt like her mom was sitting on her shoulder, hugging her.

Roman winked at Piper, and then his gaze sought out Keira, as it always did whenever he was in town. Nothing had happened between them, and Keira hadn't noticed him watching her, but the undercurrent was strong.

Would anything ever happen?

She wasn't even sure she wanted it to. She was just getting to know Roman again, and she wasn't sure she wanted to jeopardize it by having him date one of her best friends.

Maddie waved Lucas over, and the other women settled on the couch, focused on girl time, not man time.

As the men walked in, Declan appeared in the doorway. He was wearing jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt, and a baseball hat. He looked rugged, casual, and insanely hot.

That was her man.Hers.

His gaze met hers, and he smiled, a private, wonderful smile just for her.

The joyful chaos in the plane faded away, until it was just Declan. Piper smiled as he walked across the plane, his gaze intent on her, fully focused only on her.