Roman grinned. "I feel ya. But you still need to stay under control."

Declan eased his foot off the gas ever so slightly. His head was pounding, and fear was gripping him.I'm coming, Piper.

"Did you just say you love Piper?" Keira asked, looking over at him.

"Yeah." Sixteen minutes away. So fucking long. What was happening to them? The only two women he cared about. He wassuch an ass for keeping his mom pushed away and walking away from Piper like he had.

"Did you tell her that?" Keira asked.


"What did she say?"

He shrugged. "She didn't really answer. But I walked away so she didn't have to. Figured I didn't want to hear her response."

Keira sighed. "She's afraid to trust her judgment when it comes to men."

"I know?—"

"If she could see the raw terror on your face right now, she wouldn’t worry whether she can trust you."

Raw terror. That's what was trying to overtake him.

At that moment, Dylan came back on the line. "The house belongs to Clark Houston. You know him?"

"Her ex-fiancé?" Keira groaned.

Fear gripped Declan. If her ex-fiancé had kidnapped her, it could be bad. Shit. "You must have someone closer than I am."

"I don't, but I'm doing a search on Clark to see what I can find. I'll call you back in a minute." Dylan hung up, and Declan tossed his phone in the console.

He gripped the steering wheel with both hands, his foot pressing down on the gas. "You ever been to his house, Keira?"

"Yep. It's in a gated community. You'll never get through."

Declan settled down in his seat. "My truck has a reinforced grill. I'll get through. Trust me."

Fifteen minutes.

An eternity.


"What do we do?" Kitty whispered. "Attack him? Bribe him? Claw his face off?"

Piper heard the car door slam, and her heart started to race. She frantically tried to think of all she knew about Clark. Assuming he meant to cause her harm, what was the best way to stave him off? "Text Dylan that I think we're with Clark."

"Got it. Will do. Who's Clark?"

"My ex." God, she had the worst exes. "He's the one who taught me never to trust a man again."

"That's a stupid lesson. My son is fabulous. Unlearn that shit right now."

Piper almost started laughing. "Don't make me laugh. This is serious business right now."

"Only if you make it serious." Kitty elbowed her. "Let's have some fun with this."

"Fun?" She listened to the footsteps coming toward the trunk. "You're insane."