“Possibly. But you’ll run across every problem I just mentioned,andalso have to deal with magickal karma bitch-slapping you. A misuse of magick always leads to that.”
Not seeming at all concerned, the woman swanned out of the store, almost bumping into Kasper outside. He and Arman stood either side of the door, making no attempt to be invisible.
Mia materialized at Ella’s side. “What was that about?”
“She wanted a love potion.”
Mia rolled her eyes. “You warned her about the consequences?”
“Yup. She doesn’t appear to care.” Ella cricked her neck, too much tension gathered there.
Mia’s face softened as her gaze sharpened on her. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just a headache. It’ll pass.”
“That’s all it is? Often when I glance over, you look sort of … introspective. You said earlier that you weren’t gonna let what we learned last night run you off, but you’ve been quiet all day. You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”
“No, not at all.” Her demon would have put up a fight if Ella had tried to pull away from Viper anyway—it had become a teensy bit attached to him, and it gave not one measly fuck that he drank blood.
“It’s not that you’re spooked? Because it would be understandable.”
“I’m not spooked. Surprised, yes. Pretty bummed on his behalf, yes. And also kind of … ”
Ella cleared her throat. “I’m curious as to what it’d feel like to let a certain someone take a bite out of me.”
A slow smile curved Mia’s mouth. “I’ve thought about that a lot, too. Truth be told”—she leaned in—“I wouldn’t mind finding out.”
“I told Viper to come to me the next time he needs to feed. But it’s important to him that I’msureabout it; he doesn’t want me to have regrets afterwards.”
“And would you?”
“I don’t think so.” Maybe some would have found the blood-drinking thing a little off-putting. Ella wasn’t one of those people. “He said he could make it pleasurable.”
“Dice said the same. I didn’t volunteer to offer him a vein next time he was thirsty, but I think I will. I know we’re not serious, but I still positively loathe the thought of him sinking his teeth into another person’s skin—man or woman.”
The light click-clack of heels preceded the appearance of their mother. She smiled brightly at them, her hands clasped together. “My lovelies, I have a favor to ask of you.”
“No,” they both said at once.
Melodie frowned, lowering her arms. “I haven’t even told you what it is yet.”
“The answer’s still no,” Ella told her.
“A resounding no,” added Mia. “Your favors always center around allowing us to test your new products on us. My hair was like straw for a week when I last tested a shampoo.”
“And I got a huge-ass purple rash after trying out one of your soaps,” Ella reminded their mother.
“There aren’talwaysside effects,” said Melodie.
“But there usually are,” Ella pointed out, “and I’m not interested in personally finding outwhatthey are this time.”
Melodie huffed. “Someoneneeds to be a test dummy.”
“Neither me nor Ella are gonna be that someone,” Mia stated.
Melodie’s gaze flitted to the front of the store and narrowed in consideration. “Hmm, maybeshe’llconsent to it.”