Page 88 of Viper




In front of her, Prophet went stock still. He couldn’t possibly be more shocked than Ella.

Betrayal burned her throat and lungs. That fucker. That ass-licking fucker.

Viper had sworn there’d be no other women. She’d believed him. She’d taken him at his word. Hadn’t had a single moment of doubt.

My mistake.

Prophet slowly and woodenly turned to face her, releasing the office door as he did so. It steadily swung open, and her gaze slammed on Viper. He was pushing out of his seat, his broad shoulders tense, his face hard.

Ella glared at him, dropping her glamor, barely holding back a snarl. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her jaw hurt from how tightly she clenched it. Her demon longed to punch him in the throat.

Dice took one step toward Mia, and Ella sensed her sister stiffen; heard her low hiss of fury. He halted, his lips thinning,

“Prophet, get gone,” Viper ordered, the words coated in frost.

The angel disappeared fast.

Viper’s eyes flew back to Ella as his expression softened. “Baby, come inside,” he urged, his tone beseeching. “You too, Mia. Jester, give us some privacy, would you?”

“You got it.” Jester stalked out.

Ella half-considered pivoting on her heel and marching out of the club. But, no. No, she was going to give this lying son of a bitch a verbal ass-reaming before she did.

Barging into the office, she bared her teeth at him. “You are such a hypocritical fucker. You don’t want me sleeping with other guys, but you’re fine having other women in your bed.”

He lifted his palms, skirting around his desk. “Baby, you’ve got it all wrong,” he swore.

Dice tried taking Mia’s arm, but she flinched away with a growled, “Don’t.”

“It isn’t what you think,” the VP told her.

As he and Mia began to argue, Ella took an angry step toward Viper and said, “I believed you. I actually believed you when you assured me there’d be no one else. More fucking fool me.”

Viper dropped his arms to his sides. “There hasn’t been anyone else, Ella.”

“Other than for the brunette, you mean?”

His jaw went tight. “She’s not someone I fuck.”

“So, what, she’s all about blowjobs and hand jobs? Because that counts as cheating, in my book.”

Viper prowled to her, his face solemn. “I swear to you, I haven’t touched another women since you; none have touched me. What Prophet said … It doesn’t mean what you think it does.”

Ella guffawed. “What else could her being a regularpossiblymean?”

He pressed his lips tight together.

She felt her mouth twist into a bitter smile as hot tears stung her eyes. “Right.”

He covered the space between them in a blur of movement and caught her face with his hands. “Every word I’ve said is the truth.”

He looked so earnest it was difficult to doubt his words, but how could she not? “Then explain what he meant by ‘regular’.”