Page 77 of Viper

“I know that. I just can’t figure out who’s been doing the laying.”

“It’s the same guy I hooked up with at the Red Rooms.” Ella drew in a preparatory breath and straightened her shoulders. “It’s Viper.”

Mia’s lips parted. “Viper as in the president of the Black Saints Viper?”

“One and the same,” Ella confirmed, studying her sister’s face; picking up nothing. “I didn’t tell anyone—well, until right now—because I know there’ll be stern looks and lectures. I also know Luka will beseriouslyagainst it. And, yeah, those reactions would be perfectly understandable. But … but I like Viper, Mia. A lot.”

On pins, Ella nibbled her lower lip as she waited for her sister to speak. Only … Mia didn’t. She just stared dumbly. Ella frowned. “Say something.”

“Uh … ”

Ella leaned back slightly. “You’re not gonna be all judgy, are you?”

“As your baby sister—”

“You’re the oldest.”

“Well, I like to pretend I’m the younger one. Getting old scares me.” Mia flapped a hand. “Anyway, as your sister, I should tell you that this isn’t wise and point out that it could go tits upbig style. But if you like Viper and enjoy being with him … then I’m happy for you.”


Mia’s brows snapped together. “What do you mean, why?”

“I mean why would you be happy when he’s one of the Fallen?”

Mia bristled. “They’re not onlythe Fallen. They’re people. Not bad. Not good. Just some of both, much like everyone else. And, well, I’d be a hypocrite to lecture you.”

“A hypocrite? Why a … ” Ella trailed off as the pieces fell together. She gawked at her sister. “Oh my God, that dude you slept with, who fucked your frustration out of you—it was one of the Black Saints, wasn’t it?”

Squeezing one eye shut, Mia scratched her cheek. “Yeah.”

“Which one?”

“Dice. And, uh, we didn’t just do it that one time.”

“It happened again?”

Mia gave her a sheepish look. “That was sort of an accident. But the times after that, well, they weren’t so accidental. It’s basically become a regular thing for us to meet up for sex.”

Ella gaped again. “Why didn’t you say anything before?”

“I thought you’d lecture me and I didn’t want to hear it. Sound familiar?”

Ella’s mouth snapped shut. To think she’d been nervous of her sister’s response when, in actuality, Mia would have taken it well.

“I was going to tell you. I kept meaning to. But after what happened with Joe, I’m enjoying what I have with Dice—it’s simple, casual, no expectations or demands. I’m not ready to walk away from it yet, and if there’s anyone who could talk me into doing that it’s you.”

Ella let out a long breath. “I don’t know why Viper didn’t tell me about you and Dice.”

Mia’s nose wrinkled. “Uh, Dice hasn’t yet told him. He plans to do it today.”

“Oh. And he didn’t tell you about me and Viper? Hedefinitelyknows I’m sleeping with his president—I see the VP at the compound often.”

“He said nothing about it to me,” she said, shaking her head. “But in his shoes, I probably wouldn’t have either. The messengers are never thanked. And I would have worried it would cause trouble between siblings if they found out secondhand.”

Yeah, that made sense. “Dice probably thought it would hurt you to not hear it from me. Are you guys exclusive?”

“Oh yeah, he was pretty insistent on it. And I saw no need to object, because I didn’t want to.”