Mia barked a light laugh. “I’m done with romance for a while. But that doesn’t mean I should have to forgo sex, does it?”
“There are similar clubs in the Underground. Why not head to one of those?”
“Because I want to go somewhere different. And I’m curious to see if this place really lives up to its hype.”
“You’re not going there alone, are you?”
“No. You’re coming with me.”
Ella snorted. “I am?”
“Yup. You’re my wing-woman, remember? And you need a release valve, too. Come on, wouldn’t you like someone to fuck the annoyance you’re feeling right out of you?”
“Having sex with a stranger in public isn’t my jam.” Ella was no shy flower, but she wasn’t an exhibitionist either. And intimacy felt awkward for her when it was someone she didn’t know or trust.
“Make an exception,” Mia urged.
“Look, I’ll come with you so that you’re not going alone, but I’ll just hang at the bar.”
“Boring,” her sister droned.
“Yeah, that’s me. Totally boring. What time do you want to leave?”
“Say … eight-thirty?”
“I’ll be ready.”
“See you then. Remember to stay vigilant,” Mia pushed. “And make sure you tell Luka about the note.”
“I’m going to call him after I get off the phone with you.”
Luka didn’t take the news any better than Mia did. He spat out a gust of Russian words that were a mix of curses and threats. “As if it isn’t bad enough that he psychically assaulted you,” he began, a gruff edge to his voice, “he now dares follow you and hand-delivered yet another note.”
“He’s not scaring me, if that’s his plan,” said Ella.
“Doesn’t matter. Fucking with you this way, leaving written snares for you that have God knows what intent, isn’t acceptable.”
Ella tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. “I think he’s getting ballsier, even if his notes are still petulant.”
“Ithink I’m going to subject him to several kinds of twisted, torturous, mind-warping pain and may not stop for a very long time.”
And what could she really say to that except … “Oh. Okay.”
Sitting in his office at the Red Rooms, Viper looked up as one of his brothers materialized in front of his desk. Taking in Omen’s dark expression, he sighed. “What you’re about to say is gonna piss me off, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. I just found another body.”
Viper felt his jaw clench. “Where?”
“Behind our clubhouse. It was another of the missing humans. A young woman,” Omen added, his voice dropping with anger.
“Did you check the security footage?”
“Yes. The person who dumped her there was definitely a strix. And theyknewthey were on camera. Even smiled.”
Viper swore and pushed out of his seat. The entity inside him bared its teeth, its ego smarting from the taunt. Some demons who’d escaped hell did their best to lay low. Others, being natural thrill-seekers, tried challenging those who could end them.