“Claim you right back.” The demon slapped its hand on his chest, the flesh beneath its palm began to burn … and he realized it was branding him.
His cock came to life once more, and the demon had barely finished leaving its mark before he’d slammed his dick home again.
“He’s here.”
At Jester’s words, Viper looked up from his cell phone. “And early, it would seem.” It shouldn’t surprise him.
“I wasn’t so sure if Belinsky would accept your invitation.”
Viper pushed off the sofa. “I knew he’d come if for no other reason than he wouldn’t want to miss out on being able to throw shit in my face. He could do that any time, yeah, but not without seeking me out—something Ella would have been furious at him for. This way, he can make out like I’m to blame for whatever argument might ensue.”
It had been two weeks since Ella had made her anchor and family aware of their relationship. Things hadn’t gotten better. They still refused to acknowledge that he was part of her life.
She hadn’t said as much, but he knew his woman; knew it was getting to her more and more. He genuinely couldn’t care less if they did or didn’t accept him, but he did care that it upset her.
There’d be no reasoning with Melodie or Jocelyn—they were blinded by prejudice. Belinsky, however? His irrationality stemmed from agoodsource: overprotectiveness. Viper could work with that.
Thanks to his old profession, he’d done his fair share of manipulating people. He was confident that he could talk Belinsky into backing down if he handled things right. As forMelodie … she was as stubborn as her daughters, so Viper figured the quickest way to make her crumble would be to convince someone else to do it first. She’d very likely follow Belinsky’s lead, and Jocelyn would no doubt then fold as well.
As plans went, it had potential. But if he didn’t pull off the first step, he’d have to regroup.
Viper slid Jester a swift look as they walked toward the exit. “If Ella wakes, try to keep her inside.” She’d been dead to the world when Viper exited the bedroom earlier. He’d been replying to some business-related emails while waiting for her to rouse. “I want to talk to Belinsky alone.”
Jester’s brow pinched. “I thought you asked him to come at noon, knowing she’d be in work then.”
“I did. Arriving early is his way of trying to take control and communicate that he isn’t at my beck and call.”
Pushing open the main door, Viper watched as Belinsky and his two personal bodyguards slipped out of a black town car. All three scanned the area before focusing on Viper.
His entity sneered at Belinsky. It didn’t like him, or that the legion had a claim to Ella. Honestly, neither did Viper. Much as he preferred that she was bound to her psi-mate, he didn’t like that another male had a psychic link to her.
Belinsky stalked to him, his expression hard. “Viper,” he greeted with a grunt, his tone not in the least bit welcoming.
Viper inclined his head. “Belinsky.”
“Is Ella here?”
“She is. That you’d show up at a time you knew she’d be here, well, that kind of pisses me off. Because youknowit’d hit her hard to see us at each other’s throats.” Viper stepped up to the edge of Belinsky’s private space, ignoring how the legion’s guards stiffened. “You and me had a problem before. You just made that problem bigger.”
Belinsky inched closer to him. “Oh, we have a lot of fucking problems.”
“No one’s asking you to like me. I really couldn’t give a fuck either way—already made that clear. But how you’re acting is hurting Ella, and I’m nothing close to okay with that.”
“You’re exaggerating,” accused Belinsky. “She’s annoyed. She’s not hurting.”
Viper bristled at the male’s flippancy. “Wrong. You’re her anchor, someone very important to her; someone who’s supposed to be a central figure in her world—one who’s supportive and protective. But you apparently find it more important to give me the ice-cold shoulder than be there for her during her pregnancy.”
The legion’s brows lowered. “That’s not how it is.”
“No?” Viper challenged. “Here you are, on the outside of a really special part of her life. You’re missing out, which meansshe’smissing out. The latter isn’t acceptable to me, and it shouldn’t be acceptable to you.”
Belinsky’s neck turned so stiff the cords stood out. “I call and text her daily. I see her as often as I did before.”
Her mother and aunt saw her constantly as well, but they were on the outside looking in just the same. “But she doesn’t feel she can share with you as openly as she did before.”
“Of course she can,” the legion upheld, clearly outraged that Viper would insinuate differently.