“I will, just not yet. I want to eat first.” Mia scanned the dancers as if it was a buffet.
“By eat, you mean fuck.”
“Exactly. You sure I can’t persuade you to join me out there?”
“I’m sure. Now, go get laid already.”
“With pleasure. Hopefully mine.” With that, Mia sauntered away.
Right then, the bartender set Ella’s glass on the bar. She paid with her card and then took a long sip of her drink. His gazezipped to something over his shoulder—like that, the tension in his features eased.
“This is a surprise.”
She stiffened. The voice came from directly behind her. A voice rich, deep, and loaded with gravel. It was also familiar.Viper.
Her demon stirring in interest, Ella slowly turned. Dark-ringed striking blue eyes snared hers; seized her full attention. And her pulse promptly did a hop, skip, and a jump. With major enthusiasm.
“Hi,” she said, resisting the urge to lick her lips. But she totally failed resisting the temptation to drink him in. Damn, he was quite a spectacular sight. All rough and badass in a casual dark tee, black leather jacket, and faded jeans—none of it hid his muscular build.
He stood close, loitering on the edge of her personal space. So there was no missing the sexual need that briefly flickered in his gaze. Nor was there any way to avoid having his intoxicating scent twine around her—her demon liked the dark zest of it.
There was also no stopping the atmosphere from snapping taut. The chemistry between them was electric. Flustering. Unbridled.
“Ella,” he greeted. It was more like hetastedher name. Like he rolled it around on his tongue. “I haven’t seen you at my club before.” He slanted his head. “First time?”
She took a steadying sip of her drink. “Yes.”
“You here alone?”
“No, I’m with my sister. She’s … somewhere.” Ella gestured at the dance floor. “I just came to keep an eye on her.” Which would have been a lot easier if the place wasn’t so dark and foggy.
Viper’s hum was low, thoughtful, and held the merest rumble. The sound skittered down her spine and almost made her break out in a shiver.
She glanced around. “I don’t think I’d have guessed that a bunch of angels would open a place that’s all decadence and debauchery.”
A corner of his mouth hitched up. “I suppose it may seem strange that we would plunge ourselves into the sexual underbelly of demonic society. But we’re no longer angels in the real sense of the word. When we fall, we lose any grace, purity, or piety we had. Our proclivities and inclinations change.”
“You don’t sound at all cut up about it.”
“I’m not. I have no regrets.”
Catching movement not far behind him, she noticed a woman watching them closely—her glare bouncing from him to Ella. “Someone seems to be waiting for you. Blonde. Tight curls. Big boobs. Large hoop earrings.”
Annoyance flickered in his eyes. “Some people don’t like the word no, and even refuse to hear it.” He stepped a little closer, as if to make clear—maybe to her, maybe to the blonde, maybe to both—that the only woman who currently had his attention was Ella.
She had to admit, she liked that. Ella took another sip from her glass. “Why did you choose to settle in Vegas of all places? It fairly crawls with demons, and we’re not always friendly toward the Fallen.”
He hesitated. “There’s something here that holds value to me—let’s leave it at that.”
“No, let’s not. It sounds intriguing.”
His mouth curled. “Maybe I’ll tell you another time.”
“And maybe you’re full of shit.”
He inclined his head. “Maybe.”
“Is it that you have a child here? I’ve heard how angels sometimes tumble into the beds of humans and demons.” She could understand why he might fall to protect the child—such hybrids weren’t accepted by those in the upper realm.