Viper fisted its hair, dragged its body upwards, and sank his teeth into the crook of its neck. Blood flowed into his mouth and, ignoring its charred taste, he drank it down in greedy gulps—deliberately making it painful, ensuring he had enough to heal his wounds.
Done, he snapped the demon’s neck.
Ashes fluttered down.
A female roar of fury rang out.
And Viper smiled.
Tracking the roar, Viper looked to see the queen shrugging through the strix circling her. Apparently, she’d finally conceded to herself that he wouldn’t take the bait.
A bloodthirsty glee curving its mouth, his entity snaked closer to the surface, not wanting to miss a single detail of the pain she was about to endure.
Pinning Viper with a baleful glare, she contracted her fingers like claws. “This ends now.” She bent her legs slightly and leaped toward him.
His eyes on her rapidly descending body, he pelted her with a hail of ultraviolet orbs that knocked her balance and fucked up her trajectory, sending her sailing slightly to the left.
She landed awkwardly and rolled once, tumbling into a bed of overgrown grass.
He could have taken her out with a mere archangelic blast, could have ended it right there. But no—he was gonna make this bitch suffer.
Viper waited for her to get to her feet and then launched several orbs of unholy fire her way. Two she dodged. The third caught her hip while the fourth smacked the side of her face, burning it badly.
She hissed her rage, squeezing one eye shut. “Bastard.” She sprinted at him, fingers contracted again.
He telekinetically punched her blistering cheek, making her head whip to the side and her pace falter.
Those red eyes once more lasering in on him, she conjured a ball of flames. A ball that winked out of sight as her shoulder flinched, clipped by a golden orb of holy fire that brought with it the scent of clean rain. The smell swept through the air, cleansing it of other scents such as acid, blood, and Sulphur.
More golden orbs sailed her way, all coming from up above. Dodging most, she leaped onto a small shed and then launched herself at Viper.
He moved back, but didn’t manage to get fully out of her reach. Nails caught his shoulder, carving deep grooves, as she swiped out her arm. His entity snarled at her triumphant laugh.
Viper went to hurl an orb but—too slow. She shifted into mist before he had the chance.
The clump of mist darted backwards, evading—
A biting cold wind gusted down and sent the mist whooshing and twisting and rolling. A wind he knew had come from a hard flap of Larkin’s wings.
The queen shifted again as she landed hard on the ash-laden gravel road, grimacing as the stuff stuck to her. To add insult to injury, a vine wacked her right over the head, making his entity snicker.
“You’re not looking too good over there,” he taunted.
Her eyes boring into him, she bolted upright, and lashed out with a whip of black fire that looped around his calf. Before he knew it, he’d been yanked off his feet and was skidding along the ground toward her.Fuck.
Viper slammed the badly burned side of her face with an ultraviolet orb, coming to an abrupt halt as the whip disintegrated and she cried out in pained fury.
She scampered behind a pile of debris, taking cover. A garden gnome came flying at his head. Then a flower pot. Then a tire.
Three hellfire orbs dropped down on the queen’s head.Larkin again.
While the queen screeched up at the harpy, distracted, he telekinetically scooped the strix up and threw her aside, sending her colliding into a mobile home.
Again and again he telekinetically picked her up and tossed her around. First into a power pole, then a mailbox, then the garbage pile, then an old tarp-covered truck. On and on it went, until she was panting and bleeding and swaying.
Just as she weakly climbed her way off a clump of tires, he telekinetically hefted up a ladder and tossed it like a frisbee. It smacked into her hard, sending her crashing backwards into one of her brethren.