Page 141 of Viper

Mia snorted and typed:Yeah, dude, you did.

I don’t want to fight, we’ve done enough of that. I can’t claim my head is on straight yet—it’d be a lie. I need time. But I want us to at least be on good terms. I hate that we’re in a situation where I hesitated to telepath you because I wasn’t sure you’d welcome it.

Ella hummed. “He’s saying all the right things.”

“Yeah, but he does that. And each time I think, hey, maybe he’s really done being an ass, he proves me wrong.”

Another message came through:I’m outside the Black Saints’ compound right now. You don’t have to let me in if you don’twant to, but can you at least come outside and talk to me through the fence? I want to be able to apologize to your face.

Ella stilled. “Wait, he’s here?”

You don’t have to come alone, he added. You can bring someone with you if you want.

Mia shook her head. “I really wouldn’t have expected this. He must genuinely mean to apologize. Though that doesn’t mean we won’t end up bickering again. Would you come with me? I just think he’s less likely to start an argument if there’s someone else around.”

“Of course.” Ella would prefer it that way.

Mia texted him again:I’ll be right out.

Together, they left the nursery and made their way toward the exit. Just as they neared it, a bunch of the Black Saints filed inside. All frowned on realizing that Ella seemed about to go outside.

“Where are you two ladies heading?” asked Merchant.

“My anchor’s outside. He wants to talk.” Mia raised a reassuring hand. “I’m not going to invite him in here, so relax.”

“I don’t much like the idea of you speaking to him out there either,” commented Blackjack, his brow creased. “He’s a dick.”

“I’m going to hear him out. Ella will be with me. And we’ll stay within the gates.”

She and Mia walked out of the building, their arms linked. Some of the Black Saints followed them outside but lingered near the bikes—making no attempt to hide that they would be keeping an eye on things.

Joe stood beyond the chain link fence several feet away from the gates. His stance was casual, but his face was lined with tension.

They moved to stand opposite him, keeping the fence between them.

He paid no attention to Ella, his eyes focused on her sister. “Hey, Mia,” he said, an odd hitch in his voice.

Something’s wrong, Mia told her telepathically.

Ella didn’t let her expression change.What do you mean?

I don’t know, I can’t explain it. There’s just somethingoffwith him psychically. Like when you hear a song and there’s an off-note that jars.

Her belly roiling, Ella was just about to suggest—okay, insist—they return inside. But she froze as his hands splayed against the fence, his fingers poking through the diamond-shaped gaps.

Fingers with black tips, like they’d been charred.

Mia gasped. “Oh my God, what happened?” She instinctively reached out and touched his hand.

Like that, Ella felt awrenchon her body as she and Mia were swiftly teleported out of the compound.

A field. They now stood on an open, wide-ass field. A tall, blond, winged male who carried an aura of power faced them—archangel, Ella thought. On his left was a slender grim-looking male who didn’t seem entirely sure he wanted to be there. On the archangel’s right stood none other than goddamn Maxine.

Son of a bitch.

More, as if the situation wasn’t bad enough, they were surrounded by dozens upon dozens of strix.
