Page 127 of Viper

As Viper’s gaze settled on Luka, the legion stiffened and warned, “Careful.”

Viper shrugged. “I’ll watch my words if you’ll watch yours.”

Jocelyn notched up her chin as she glared at him. “Are you an archangel? An ex-member of the Seven?”

Ella bristled. “Why is it you think you have the right to demand answers from him?”

“They’re pertinent questions,” Jocelyn insisted, a sass to her.

“You’re just looking for reasons to imply he’s not good for me.”

“I don’t need to find reasons, they’re already there. Or have you forgotten that our relatives suffered dearly at the hands of his kind?”

“But not athishands. Viper had nothing to do with it.”

Jocelyn gave a dismissive shake of her head. “It doesn’t matter. They can’t be trusted. They betrayed even their own kind by jumping ship and turning their back on their realm.”

She gritted her teeth. “Recall that the baby understands what you say.”

Sensing his woman was getting worked up, Viper placed a calming hand on her shoulder. “I shouldn’t have to point this out,” he said to the others, “but it ain’t good for a pregnant woman to be stressed, so maybe you can dial shit down.” It was a pressing suggestion.

Melodie pulled in a breath and made a visible effort to dig for calm. “What happens when he’s decided he wants to head on back to the upper realm, Ella? Where does that leave you?”

“Not a chance would I ever go back there,” Viper told her. “I wouldn’t leave Ella and our baby for anything.”

Ella carefully placed the ultrasound picture on the table. “It’s a little fuzzy, but … ”

Melodie carefully lifted it, her face softening as she greedily soaked in the image there. She reluctantly passed it to Jocelyn, whose gaze warmed as she stared down at it. Jocelyn held it up for Belinsky to see, and the legion took a long look at it.

Exhaling heavily, Melodie reclaimed the image and then gently set it on the table. She rubbed at her neck. “I’m happy about the baby, sweetheart. Children are always a blessing. And I want to be happy for you. I just … ”

“We’d prefer that you weren’t going to shack up with one of the Fallen,” Jocelyn finished.

“I would never have guessed,” Ella deadpanned. “So you’d rather I was a single parent?”

“Yes. No. Ugh.” Melodie shook her head hard as if to clear it.

“Iwould,” claimed Jocelyn. “Setting aside that he’s a fallen angel, he’s also a biker. They’re all the same. Misogynistic. Irresponsible. Reckless. They only care about their ‘brothers’ and being ‘free’.”

Mia frowned. “Oh, and you would know this how? Do you hang with bikers? Have you ever spoken to one until now? Or are you just babbling clichés?”

“You can feel however you want to feel about me being a celestial and a biker,” said Viper, his voice deadly calm. “What you won’t do is make me turn away from Ella. I’m here to stay. You might as well accept it.” Viper personally doubted that would happen here and now, though.

Catching Viper’s eye, Luka unfolded from his chair and plucked at one cuff. “You and I should chat,” he said, tipping his chin toward the living room. “In private.”

Ella stilled. “Luka—”

“It’s fine, baby,” Viper assured her, having already anticipated that the legion would want to talk with him alone. “Stay here.”

Ella pinned her anchor with a look. “If you hurt him … ”

“I won’t, but Iamgoing to make my feelings clear.” Luka indicated for his guards to remain in position and then strode out of the kitchen.

Stay here, Viper telepathically ordered his brothers. He followed the legion into the living room, finding him stood in its center—feet planted, arms folded, expression alive with fury.

Luka snarled. “The only reason I haven’t ripped your throat out is that—much as it pisses me off—I can see that Ella cares about you. Why she does, I don’t know. She can do a fuck of a lot better than you. Shedeservesa lot better than you.”

“I’m not gonna argue that,” said Viper.