Alex hums as he watches them go. “I love love.”
Niko snorts. “You don’t get matchmaker credit for that one, pint-size.”
“What?” Alex squawks. “I was here. It counts.”
“Anyone want nachos?” Kipp cuts in. He looks around the group, frowning. “No? Just me?”
“It’s one in the morning,” Dixon says flatly.
Teddy pulls Kipp close, kissing his temple. “I’ll get you nachos, doll.”
Kipp beams.
“Well, I’d say our work here is done,” Alex says primly, dusting his hands. He lets out a happy sigh before shouting, “Porn stars disassemble!”
Several people on the sidewalk startle, turning to look at us.
Dixon groans, covering his face with his hand. “Jesus, small fry. A little tact?”
“Not what I’m known for,” Alex retorts, giving Finn’s shoulder a tug. “Come on, Ginger Pony, let me ride you so we can get home…and I can ride you. And Grizzly Bear.”
Rowan flushes, and Finn shakes his head, but both are smiling as we make our way toward the parking lot, Alex on Finn’s back. Alex makes hoof-clomping sounds until Finn pinches his leg. Christian snags my hand, giving me a tired smile.
After saying our goodbyes, we break up to get into our respective vehicles. I’m quiet as I buckle myself in and start the car, and Christian turns to look at me.
“You okay?” he asks.
I nod, getting us out on the road. “Yeah, just… That was scary.”
He gives my thigh a squeeze. “I know. And I hate that our boss doesn’t care. He doesn’t care. If he had any measure of security for his staff, stuff like that wouldn’t happen in the first place.”
“Our boss?” I ask, glancing at Christian, whose features are lit by the streetlights. “Noel said the same thing earlier. Is this where you used to work?”
“Yeah,” he says. “I got fired for fending off handsy customers.”
“That’s…” My mouth opens and closes. “That’s bullshit.”
He huffs a humorless laugh. “Yeah. It is.”
I blow out a breath, my pulse racing as I picture what would have happened tonight if we weren’t here. Would that guy have been successful in cornering Noel? What if it had been Christian in his place instead? What if this had happened before we’d met? Who would Christian have called for help? His grandma is in an assisted living facility. He’s estranged from his mother. The only person I’ve heard him mention as a friend is Noel.
I grab Christian’s hand, holding tight.
“You sure you’re okay, Specs?” he asks softly.
I nod, but it feels jerky. “You have me. You have us,” I say, hoping he understands. “Even if… Just always, okay? You can always call.”
Christian pulls our joined hands to his mouth. He gives my knuckles a kiss, a soft thing, as if he’s reassuring me. “I know.”
I focus on getting the two of us home safely, but as soon as we’re back at Christian’s, I pull him into bed, and I don’t let go. He doesn’t complain, not once. And with my arms wrapped around him tight, I swear to myself I won’t let anything hurt this man.
Not ever.
“Ow,” Christian says quietly.
“Sorry,” I say, immediately loosening my grip.
He rubs my arm with his free hand, giving me a small smile. The two of us are sitting in front of the terrarium, Christian’s hand in mine for support.