Page 90 of Felix

That seems to be enough to catch the guy’s attention—either that or the near dozen of us that have spilled into the alley—because less than a second later, there’s a sound of alarm from Noel, and the guy is taking off.

“Yeah, you better run!” Alex shouts.

“Holy fuck,” I breathe, rushing to where Noel is sprawled on the ground. “Are you okay?”

“Oh my God,” he says, taking my hand and rising shakily to his feet. “Did…did that just happen?”

Finn is talking on the phone, and Teddy is assuring Kipp he’s fine, but my attention is on Noel as Christian skids to a halt next to us. “Are you hurt?” Christian asks his friend. “Did he hurt you?”

“No,” Noel breathes. A little more light appears, and I realize someone turned on their phone’s flashlight. “He just…he just grabbed me and dragged me outside. I…I didn’t even realize what was happening. Holy fuck, what just happened?”

Alex rubs Noel’s arm as Christian glances toward the mouth of the alleyway. “He’s gone,” Christian says, sounding as if he’s reassuring both himself and Noel.

“Police are on their way,” Finn says.

“Fuck,” Noel mutters again.

Alex wraps his arm around Noel’s shoulders, giving him a squeeze. “Come on, sweets. Let’s go wait where there’s more light.”

Noel nods, and we all start making our way toward the sidewalk.

“Sure wasn’t expecting us, was he?” Alex says, his voice light. “You should never fuck with porn stars.”

Noel huffs a laugh, and Alex gives him a grin.

When we reach the sidewalk in front of the club, I pull Christian off to the side. “You okay?” I ask, running my fingers over his face, checking for damage I pray isn’t there. My heart is still pounding.

Christian catches my wrists, his hold gentle. “I’m fine. He just shoved me.”

My breath shudders. “Fuck, Christian. That was…”

“I know,” he says softly, kissing my palm. He turns enough to face his friend. “Noel, please tell me you’re not coming back here.”

Noel shakes his head quickly. “No. I’m done. I told our boss I was scared, and he didn’t give a shit. He didn’t do anything. He can find another server.”

Christian lets out a breath that sounds like relief. “Okay. Do you want me to…” He cuts off with a soft sound. “Max?”

Noel’s head whips around as a man comes jogging swiftly our way from the direction of the parking lot. “Max?” Noel repeats, voice quiet. “What are you doing here?”

The man named Max all but barrels into our group, only slowing once he’s in front of Noel. Noel looks shocked as Max sweeps him into his arms. He blinks wide eyes.

“Fuck, are you all right?” Max asks. “I got Christian’s text. What’s going on? What are you all doing out here?”

As Noel answers a very concerned Max’s questions, Christian grabs my hand and gives a little tug. I follow him back inside as Christian grabs Noel’s things from the employee room. He tosses a keycard on the small table before we go.

When we get back outside, two police officers are taking Noel’s statement. I show them the picture of the guy on my phone, hoping it’s enough to identify him. It’s late by the time the cops leave, having already gone inside to collect CCTV footage. Everyone looks worn out.

“Um,” Noel says, Max’s hand in his. “I don’t even know what to say. Just…thank you guys. Thank you for coming.”

Christian gives his friend’s free hand a squeeze. “You don’t have to thank us for that, Noel. It’s what friends do.”

“We’ve adopted you,” Alex says cheerfully. “In case that wasn’t obvious.”

Noel lets out a wet laugh. “I guess I’ll see you guys soon?”

“Count on it,” Alex says.

Christian gives Noel a hug before he and Max leave for the parking lot.