Page 72 of Felix

He nods again before sighing. “I’m gonna grab a muffin or something. I’m kind of hungry.”

“Of course,” I say. “I’ll be here.”

Noel slides off his chair and heads to the counter while I sip my tea, gut churning. I knew Knee Highs was bad news from the moment I started working there, but Noel and I got close fast, and I didn’t want to leave him behind. Plus, I figured I could hold my own, so what would be the harm?

But when you have someone running the place who doesn’t care about what happens to his employees, people are bound to get hurt. Like Max.

I don’t want the same to happen to Noel.

When Noel returns, he has a large blueberry muffin on a plate. He slides into the seat across from me and starts removing the wrapper. “Soo, how’s the whole porn star thing going? You haven’t said much about it.”

I huff a laugh. “I’m far from a star.”

“You know what I mean,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Tanner said you seem to be settling in fine.”

“Yeah, it’s been great,” I say truthfully. “I, uh… I’m seeing someone.”

Noel perks up, looking energized for the first time since coming into the coffee shop. “You are? What’s he like?”

“Smart,” I say instantly, a little smile taking over my face. “Cute. Sexy. He’s gentle but can be pushy, too. He’s shy and bold, sweet and fucking filthy. He hates taking compliments but dishes them out in the most sincere way. And being around him is like…like the sun after a storm, you know? He’s bright. Good.”

Noel looks at me curiously.

“What?” I ask.

“It’s just…you really like him, don’t you? I’ve never heard you talk about anyone like that.”

I twist my cup of tea between my palms. “Yeah, I really do.”

“He doesn’t mind the porn?” Noel asks, picking off a piece of his muffin and popping it into his mouth.

It’s a valid question. But… “Considering he’s my scene partner, no, I don’t think he minds.”

Noel coughs, his hand stopping the spray of crumbs. “Holy crap. That’s—” He clears his throat, thumping his chest once. “It’s like some sort of modern-day fairy tale.”

I huff a laugh. “Ah, yes. The classic porn stars falling madly in love story.”

He shakes his head. “Shush, it’s romantic. Who is he?”

“Would you know if I told you his name?” I ask. When Noel looks down at his plate sheepishly, I realize…yes, he would. “Noel, do you have a subscription? Have you watched me?”

His cheeks redden, and he mumbles, “My cousin works there. I’m supportive.”

I snort, not minding in the least if he’s seen my videos. “It’s Felix.”

He nods, expression thoughtful as he chews the last of his muffin. “Huh, yeah. I can see that. He’s hot, but not in, like, a bench you over his head sort of way.”

“Yeah,” I say softly, lips twitching as I imagine Emil hulked up like a gym bro. “Speaking of buff men… Are you ever going to tell Max you like him?”

Noel coughs again.

I reach across the table, giving his arm a squeeze. “He has no clue, Noel. He thinks he makes you nervous.”

“He does,” Noel says. “Have you seen the guy?”

“Yeah, but it’s a good sort of nervous, and we both know it. You should tell him,” I encourage. “You spent the morning at the hospital with him, right? He would have sent you away if he didn’t want you around.”

“You really think so?” he asks, voice quiet.