Page 52 of Felix

Christian gives my hand a squeeze. “This place is special. You’ll see.”

Unable not to, I follow Christian as he steps down a winding, narrow path. Trees flank both sides of us, making it feel as if we’re traveling through a natural tunnel. When we reach a clearing, I come to an abrupt stop. Christian chuckles, stepping to the side so I can see better.

It is a garden, but… At its center is a perfectly circular, manicured lawn with spiraling stone pavers. Along the sides are impeccably tended-to bushes and flowers. A butterfly flits above some bright red petals. At the far side of the lawn is a bench stationed in front of a small pond. A couple ducks are floating in the water, and just past is a brick building, the entire side of it painted with a mural of wildflowers below a sunrise.

I had no clue this was here.

Christian gives my hand a tug, a smile on his face. “Come on, Specs.”

I follow Christian along the smooth pavers, both of us stepping stone to stone. The path leads around the lawn to the center and then back out again in the opposite direction until it reaches the pond. It would have been quicker to simply walk across the grass, but… I don’t think that’s the point.

Christian lowers himself onto the bench, and I sit beside him. We’re both quiet for a minute, watching the ducks swim around in front of the brightly painted flowers across the water. The setting sun in the mural makes it feel as if we’re suspended in time, even though everything is moving and alive around us.

When I look over at Christian, I find him already watching me. “Well?” he asks.

“It’s nice,” I say. Even though it’s so much more than that. “How’d you find this place?”

“My grandma,” he answers, lips lifting into an almost melancholic smile. “I used to come here with her a lot.” He huffs a laugh when the ducks start chasing one another. “Earlier this year, in the springtime, there were ducklings here. I wonder if these are them, all grown up.”

“Could be,” I say softly, following his gaze. “Animals often return to the places they know are safe. It’s ingrained in us. Instinctual. Humans, ducks, we seek safety without conscious thought. We’re all just trying to survive in this world the best way we know how.”

Christian hums. “What’d you call that? The tenacity of life?”

My head whips his way, breath hitching. “Um, yeah. I did.”

Christian nods, a soft smile on his face as he looks out over the pond. He remembered that?

My heart pounds heavily as I try to focus on the nature spread out in front of us, but a question circles around my mind again and again. It’s no surprise to me when it finally finds its way out.

“Why’d you bring me here, Christian?”

He lets loose a breath before shifting his gaze my way. “I don’t really know, Specs. That might seem like a cop-out, but it’s the truth. I…like you. And I like this place. It’s quiet. It brings me comfort. I guess I just wanted to share it with you.”

I nod, unable to speak. One of the ducks splashes, honking once, the sound almost joyous, despite its crass nature. Christian chuckles beside me.

“Thank you,” I finally respond.

“Yeah, Specs. Thanks for being here.”

Sadness hits when I realize it’s entirely possible Christian’s grandmother can’t come with him anymore. I wonder, briefly, about the rest of his family. Whether or not he has any. It doesn’t feel like the right time to ask.

After a long while, Christian’s gaze lands on the side of my head again. “Ready to go?”

I swallow and nod. “Yeah.”

Christian stands, and I follow suit. We start walking the stones again.

“Want to grab some food on the way back?” Christian asks.

“I, uh… Sure?”

“My treat,” he adds, shooting me a smile. “It’s customary, after all, to take a guy out to dinner before you fuck.”

My foot misses a paver, and I catch myself on the next, heart thrashing about inside my chest. It takes me a good, long moment to realize he’s talking about our scenes. Our scenes. Not…us.

The wink Christian sends me over his shoulder sure doesn’t help settle my pulse, though.

Is it possible to develop an arrhythmia because of a painfully attractive, thoughtfully sweet neighbor?