It’s a lot.
But today isn’t about my nonexistent love life. It’s about sex.
Which brings me back to what I am prepared for. And that’s the sight of Christian strolling into Studio 3 in that little black miniskirt he apparently sewed himself. I’m prepared for the way everything in me curls tight like a spring waiting to unload. I’m even prepared for the smirk he flashes me, as if he can’t quite help himself.
Vixen, indeed.
“Hey,” he says, coming to a stop in front of me.
How was this man lying on my bed just last night? It seems unreal because Christian is, quite honestly, stunning. And I’m still not sure I understand what it is he wants from me.
“Hi,” I answer, trying not to squirm, even though my dick is hard and I’m having trouble not touching the person who I know will spend the better part of the next hour working me into an even more frenzied state than I’m already in. Christ.
“Are you okay doing a scene today?” Christian asks, eyes skimming over me.
I huff a small laugh, perfectly aware he’s likely cataloguing my red cheeks and strained expression and trying to determine whether it’s good strain or bad. “You take consent seriously.”
“Yeah, I do,” he answers, offering me a smile. “So?”
“I’m good.”
“A little horny?” he asks quietly. And now the fucker is toying with me.
“You dick.”
If only I truly hated it.
Christian laughs, light and airily. “You can have my dick later, Specs. If you want it.”
Fucking fuck. Like I ever wouldn’t want it.
I clear my throat. “Hey, Christian?”
He cocks his head, a lock of silky black hair falling in front of his face. “Yeah?”
“I’m not sure if you know this about me, unless you’ve happened upon one of the few videos in which it’s been recorded here, but I used to swim in high school.”
“Okay?” he says slowly.
“I wasn’t all that great at it. I didn’t win much or anything, but I enjoyed the rhythmic motion. I probably would have joined a team in college if I wasn’t busy with so many other things. But every once in a while, I like to go to a local pool and swim. I’ve kept up the practice.”
Christian waits, clear curiosity on his face as I slowly get around to my point.
“I can hold my breath for over two minutes,” I tell him. “Which means you can keep your cock in my throat for two minutes.”
I see the precise moment my words saturate his brain. How his pupils blow and his nostrils flare and his posture gets ever so slightly more rigid. I won’t lie. I get a perverse sense of satisfaction causing that reaction in him. Knowing I’ve shocked him.
“Something to consider,” I say, shooting him a wink as I head toward our bed for the day. I hear a laugh behind me and smile to myself.
“All right!” Jerome yells, coming through the door in a flurry of his usual energy. “We’re nearly ready to roll. Felix, Vixen, all good?”
“Yep,” I say, a little calmer this time as I settle on the bed, although no less turned on. Maybe it should embarrass me that so many people can clearly see my arousal before we’ve even begun. But again… It’s never been embarrassment for me.
“Ready,” Christian says, joining me on the bed.
Jerome confers with the cameramen, of which there are two today. One to monitor the static shot and another for the moving close-ups. Other crew members are scattered around the room, getting final details set before we begin.
I sneak a peek at Christian. At his skirt and the bulge front and center beneath the fabric.