The kiss ended, but I stayed close enough for our lips to brush. “Still not enough.”
Then, without warning, I shoved Garrison back toward the bed. It took all of my strength to knock the other man off balance, and even that couldn’t get the job done. There was an obvious moment where Garrison could have caught himself.
Instead, he shifted his feet and let himself fall.
The bed bounced when Garrison landed flat on his back, arms splayed haphazardly to his sides. I immediately followed, straddling his hips and kissing him hard enough to press him into the mattress.
“That’s better,” I said when I abandoned Garrison’s mouth to spread kisses down the man’s neck. “More access.”
I nearly ripped my own shirt as I slid the offending garment off my shoulders while trailing more kisses over Garrison’s chest. Reaching the center of one well-defined pec, I bit the flesh beneath my mouth.
“You know, you could help.”
This finally stirred Garrison from his stunned state. The man’s hands became flurry of motion, attacking the fastenings for both of our pants.
Working together, we managed to discard all of our clothes. Everything ended up on the floor, except for Garrison’s knee brace. That stayed firmly in place.
I pressed a quick kiss to one of the ugly scars running under a strap, then moved on to more important things.
Like the slide of flesh against flesh as I straddled Garrison’s hips once again.
This time my body was on full display. I shivered as I felt the path of Garrison’s eyes over my skin, starting at my chest and slowly moving downward.
It took longer than expected for Garrison to notice the special surprise waiting under my clothing. Normally, it was one of the first things to grab people’s attention, but Garrison seemed so distracted by the lines of my legs that he complexly skipped over what lay between them. When the man finally did notice, his sudden gasp sent me rocking forward.
The silver hoop in my eyebrow wasn’t my only piercing.
Dragging one hand along my own thigh—since Garrison seemed to like my legs so much— I stroked one finger up the length of my cock. My movements were deliberate, showing off the three barbell piercings along the underside of my shaft.
“See something interesting?”
Swallowing hard, Garrison nodded. He reached up to wrap one hand around my cock, broad palm covering most of the shaft. With his thumb, he toyed with one of the piercings, pressing the ball bearing on the end back and forth.
I gasped when the surprisingly delicate touch sent fire licking up my spine.
“Wait. Stop.”
Garrison’s hand immediately froze. I wanted to weep at the sudden loss of stimulation, but forced myself to pull Garrison’s hand away from my cock.
“Sorry, but if you keep doing that, this isn’t going to last long. How about this?”
Grabbing each of the man’s wrists, I guided Garrison’s hands to the wrought iron headboard.
“Hold on, and don’t let go.”
Nodding, Garrison laced his fingers through the metal bars and gripped tight to the frame.
Ideally, I would have liked to tie Garrison to the bed. I had some restraints stored in a nearby drawer, but I didn’t think we were ready for that. Such submission would require a level of trust neither of us were ready for yet. Maybe in the future. For now, I would make do with the honor system.
From there, it became a game. I slowly slid down Garrison’s body, running my mouth over his neck and chest and stomach in a search for sensitive spots. Tugging with my teeth on one of Garrison’s nipples earned me a slight gasp. Running my tongue over the edges of well-defined abs caused Garrison to laugh, which wasn’t what I wanted. My goal was to find Garrison’s limit and make the man lose control.
I hit paydirt when my hand brushed over a long, jagged scar low on Garrison’s hip. The man’s whole body jerked, and he nearly let go of the headboard.
I could feel a grin pulling at my face, no doubt making me look like a lecherous Cheshire cat. Letting our bodies rub together, I moved down farther until my face was only inches from Garrison’s hip.
With my lips and tongue, I teased the uneven texture of the scar. Above me, out of my line of sight, Garrison let out a moan. The longer I kept up my attack, the more out of breath Garrison sounded until the larger man was practically writhing against the sheets. I pressed down on Garrison’s hips, pinning the man to the bed. Then, still with my mouth, I followed the line of the scar like an arrow pointing me to my final goal.
Garrison’s cock stood hard and eager against his stomach, already leaking pre-cum over his abs.