Page 9 of Courting Danger

The explanation was so straightforward that it left me unsatisfied. I expected something more deserving of the promise I’d offered to earn the information. Still, we’d made a deal, so once Alex reached the end of the disappointing tale, I nodded and stepped onto the pedestal.

As soon as my foot touched the raised circle, another older gentleman stepped through the door. I didn’t even have time to ask about the stranger’s identity before the man pulled out a tape measure.

Ah, a tailor. Probably employed by the shop.

Had the man been waiting just out of sight for Alex’s signal?

I wasn’t sure if I was alarmed or impressed by such a level of efficiency.

The tailor, apparently named Raymond based on the name stitched onto his uniform, gestured to a side table by the wall of mirrors. “You can put your clothes here, sir.”

I clutched the front of my sweatshirt as if it would be yanked off me. “Is that really necessary?”

The tape measure hung coiled around Raymond’s hands like a domesticated snake. “The measurements will be more accurate without clothing in the way. I can’t allow you to walk about in an ill-fitting suit. It would ruin our store’s reputation.” Raymond spoke with gentle, measured words, but he would obviously not be dissuaded.

Sighing in resignation, I started to pull off my sweatshirt but hadn’t uncovered more than an inch of my stomach before I remembered my audience. Smoothing my shirt back into place, I raised an eyebrow at Alex.

“Do you mind? A little privacy would be nice.”

Sometime during the exchange with Raymond, Alex had procured a glass of wine. The red liquid swirled as Alex continued to watch him. “I’m not going to miss a free show.”

He sipped his wine, never breaking eye contact as he waited to see what I would do.

Another test.

I suspected this would be a common occurrence while working for Alex. The man may act unconcerned, but an obvious vein of distrust ran deep through his soul. Alex was prodding me, seeing what it would take to get me to react.

If I wanted to win my new employer’s trust, I was going to have to match Alex at the man’s own game.

Grabbing the bottom hem of my sweatshirt, I ripped the article of clothing over my head. “It’s hardly free when you’re paying me.”

That reminded him, Alex had mentioned a salary, but not given any specific numbers. Before I could truly call myself the man’s bodyguard, we would need to hash out the details of my employment.

Taking another sip from his wine, Alex crossed one leg over the other and settled more comfortably into the couch. “Well, then I’m definitely not going to miss a show I’m paying for.”

The rest of my clothes found a home on the side table, each neatly folded before they were stored. I stood on the pedestal in just my underwear and knee brace, forcing myself not to shiver in the air conditioning as Raymond began measuring.

When would the questions start?

It was inevitable whenever someone saw me shirtless for the first time. My flesh was a complicated map of scars, charting the path of my service one injury at a time. The extensive burns on my back always earned the most questions. Still fresh and pink with new healing, they stood out more than any other mark on my skin.

The proverbial ‘X’ on my map that marked the end of my military career.

Yet, the expected questions never came. In fact, Alex said nothing as he watched me being measured. Then, when Raymond brought out sample suits for me to try on, Alex’s only comments were about fabric choice and color preference.

By the time we finished with the tailor, nearly three hours had passed. A basic black suit had been purchased that was close enough to my measurements for me to wear immediately. It was a little loose in the waist in order to fit the width of my chest and shoulders, but I’d been assured that the rest of the ordered clothing would be custom tailored to my size.

For my own peace of mind, I didn’t ask about the price.

After everything was settled, Alex dragged me outside the shop into the backseat of a car already waiting for us. Apparently, when Alex said he wanted to hire me as a bodyguard, he meant right away. As the car pulled away from the curb, Alex thrust a tablet into my hands. On the screen was a contract spelling out the details of employment. It was a generous offer, with an even more generous salary.

I carefully picked through every word of the contract. I didn’t even notice the city passing outside the car window as I squinted over the fine print. Everything seemed in order. The only oddity that caught my attention was the confidentiality clause. It took up a significant portion of the contract and reminded me of being initiated into the Special Forces again.

Suspicious, but not necessarily a deal breaker.

I knew the importance of secrecy, and I didn’t care about whatever skeletons were hidden in the Mariano family’s closet. I’d kept so many secrets in my life thanks to my previous job and I had no interest in digging up more.

By the time the car reached its destination, I had signed the contract. Perhaps it was too quick. Perhaps I should have gotten a second opinion before offering up my name.