"That leaves us a friend short, since Arch won't go out anymore."

"Like Cal said, we would be sober too if we were spanking Summer's ass every night," I joke.

I see a reaction from Arch. I don't know how to describe it or decipher what it means. But I’m too hungover to care at the moment. But I do wonder, I am curious how her and his relationship work. They text each other when he needs to sleep? We haven't really gotten a chance to really ask him; school has been hectic for all of us, and he’s being very scarce with the details.

"Lucky fucker," Caleb says. Harvey remains silent but looks angry.

"Who shitted on your cereal, Ford?" I nudge him.

He turns with a glare, and I lift my hands. "Whoa, killer, what is up with you?"

"Who the fuck said anything is wrong with me?" he stings, and I raise my eyebrows.

"Well, clearly something is fucking bothering you. So fucking spill. Is it the reason you came back early this morning?" Caleb says and Archer stiffens.

Harvey looks over at Arch with a strange look before Arch looks back down to the wings he’s seasoning.

What the fuck is going on with these two? Does it have to do with Summer? Or it's something else. But then again when has anything not been about Summer in this house where our substantial emotions are concerned? I keep my trap shut, waiting to see if they come out with it.

"Nothing is bothering me, I'm fucking fine, and get off my dick," Harvey bites at Caleb.

Caleb and I look at each other. Harvey is unusually aggressive. Definitely Sunshine is involved.

"Do you two have beef or some?" I ask.

Harvey just keeps scrolling through the sports channels, head rested on his hand.

"We have no fucking beef. I don't know why Harv is being a bitch." Arch walks over to us and the sound of the microwave relaxes me. Food will be ready soon.

"Can you guys drop it?" Harv says.

Caleb and I share another look, we aren't imagining this shit here. Something is definitely up. But by the look of Harv and Arch's eyes, only Harv knows what's up with him. It's like he's mad at Arch.

"What the fuck is going on with you two. Is it about Summer?" Caleb leans forward, eyes lucid now. I open mine keenly too.

"Not every fucking thing is about Summer. Nurse your fucking hangover and stop asking me shit." Harvey gets up suddenly and heads upstairs.

Well, that was weird.

We all stare at where he disappeared. What the fuck?

"I'll go," Archer says heading upstairs.



My heart beats fast in my chest, hoping it's not what I suspect. I have to keep it between us like Peach said. I don't want to lie to them, but I also just want to enjoy whatever this is. She looked regretful a little, but I know it’s forward from here. And it's been so hard to not rub it in their faces.

I knock once before I push the door open finding king Ford with a joint on his lips and his laptop on his lap. He doesn't even look up to see who it is. Closing the door, I approach carefully standing at the edge of his bed with my hand in my pockets.

"Yo, bro, what's up? You good?"

He doesn't answer immediately, but he looks up to me. He expels smoke, looking at me like he sees into my soul. I hold his gaze even though I am not certain of what he sees.

"Were you going to tell us?"

Oh, fuck. I furrow my brows hoping he is just suspecting, and he isn’t sure.