Jaden takes a seat on the couch and turns on the TV. Not giving me any more attention. So I turn and leave.
I take that moment to check my phone and messages.
Seven missed calls from Logan and 3 messages.
19:21 I am at your dorm. You must be out cold.
00:28 I miss you, hot stuff. I'll come in the morning when I am not drunk. I miss that mouth.
I grimace a little.
07:14 Was just at your dorm. Hazel says she hasn't seen you since last night. What's up? You avoiding me?
I groan loudly. Fucking Hazel. I really should take back my key from her. Wasn't she supposed to sleep at Trev's last night? And what happened to girl code? I don't doubt she tattled enthusiastically to Logan. I swear she is always on his dick.
I stop by the coffee shop for a wake-me-up. Already this weekend is starting on a negative note, and I have another test and assignment due next week. But I need to get my laundry and things out of the way before I get on my books.
As I stand at the line, I think about Logan. He’s a great guy and has been nothing but good to me. So, am I going to tell him, should I tell him I slept at Arch's last night? If I don't, isn't that suspicious? Shouldn't I want to be honest and open with him? If I hide this then it's not going to look great. I mean, would I believe him if he slept over at his exes, and he said nothing happened?
But I haven't done anything wrong, surely, he knows to trust me and trust that I am faithful to him. After getting food, I head to my dorm.
My soul almost leaves my body when I find Logan in my room.
Fucking Hazel. I'm going to kill her.
"Where the fuck have you been?" Logan glares at me getting off the bed.
Okay, that's a little too aggressive.
"I can explain. Just chill."
"Su, I don't have time for your shit, where the fuck have you been?" He gets in my personal space, and the coffee in my hands spills on me, burning me.
"Ow." I place the cup on the table, and shake my hand, my mind frantic.
"I don't hear you explaining."
"I went for a walk, okay." I turn away.
"And when exactly did you go on this walk?"
Fuck fuck fuck. He sent me a message around seven.
"I left just after 5 a.m., I took a cab to the beach. I miss the sunrise." I lie.
Why the fuck did I just say a cab? What if he wants me to show him proof? Fuck.
"And you didn't think to answer my texts? I've been here since 06:30."
"Logan, I don't know what you want me to say." I fold my arms, turning back to him, trying to hide the tremble of my hands. I'm not used to lying. My nerves are shooting at all directions.