"Bet, bet. See y'all later then." He walks away and I pull Logan to the stairs.

He’s brooding a little. I can understand where he is coming from. I am a terrible girl friend, maybe girlfriend.

"Summer, I think we need to talk later," he says when we arrive outside my class.

I sigh inside. That sounds like a breakup.

"Okay. What about?"

"I think you know, but come over to the house after practice. No one will be there tonight." He is serious.

Without thinking, I pull him by his neck and kiss him. He doesn't reciprocate first then he does, fully. Like, with tongue. The things I do for this relationship. I don't know why I panic when he says he wants to talk, or why I’m reassuring him with kisses.

Wouldn't it be easier if I let the relationship die?

We pull apart because of a whistle. I smile at him, and he smiles down at me, lust spilling out of his eyes. Leaning in, I peck him one last time and he straight grins.

"Okay, I'll see you later then," he says, visibly more relaxed.

Men are so easy to sway. I've barely given him anything, but he is happier. Turning, he takes the stairs and I head to class.

After classes, I go to the library to put in some work on my assignments and test prep. After, I walk back with Hazel to the dorms. I’m exhausted, that was a long ass day. I go to Hazel's room and throw my bag on her bed as she undresses and gets ready for a shower.

"You going to Trevor's?"

"Nah, he's coming here after practice," she says.

"So, it's all good between you two. Love still lives?"

She chuckles. "Whoa, love?"

"Yeah, I said it."

"It's not anything remotely close to love with me and Trev, you know it's just fun," she says.

"But why are you with someone you not in love with?"

"I could ask you the same question." She throws it back to me, hot and everything and it lands.

"This isn't about me, Haze."

"Maybe it should be." She stands in the middle of the room.

"Do you have something you want to say?"

She doesn't answer for a few moments. "Look, I know you have your old relationship with your exes but what you’re doing to Logan isn't okay. He's really into you."

Whoa, where did all of that come from. I sit up.

"And what have I done?"

"I'm not going to tell you what to do but I think it's unfair that you are just stringing him along like you are waiting for something else to come along. He's not your exes and he's been nothing but good to you."

I narrow my eyes at her. "Haze, where is this coming from?"

She turns from me. "Just…think about what I'm saying, Su. He will slip from your fingers if you don't wake up to what's in front of you." Then she disappears to the bathroom, leaving me confused as a mother.

When I am finished being stuck in one place like a dummy, I get up and go to my room. I need to shower and go to Logan's for 'the talk.'