"Logan?" Caleb fills in for me on the bed next to Archer.
"Yes,” I answer.
"Are you fucking him?" Harvey asks, I can hear the malice behind his question as he stands next to Jaden. I swallow and look away from them.
"If I was, it would be none of your business."
The air gets dense. This is not how I planned this to go. I was here to yell at them to leave me alone and stop their shit and their games. Not be in the middle of a third degree with them.
"I swear to God, if I find out you’re fucking him Summer…" Harvey's threat comes through with all the violent promise in the world. A violence I know he is very capable of.
"You'll what? You'll beat him up? I am not yours anymore. How much must I say that shit for you assholes to get it through your thick skulls?"
"But Summer, you never even gave us a chance to explain." Archer gets off the bed. I can hear the desperation simmering in his words.
"Because there is nothing you can say that can make what I saw a lie. You can't unfuck that girl. I don't want to hear your shit."
I must soldier on.
"Maybe if you did—"
"Maybe nothing, Jaden. I don't want to hear it," I pause, taking a breath. "I am here because I am tired. Leave me alone. Move on, I am." I turn to leave, and a hand grabs me.
"You know you are being really unfair, especially to them, they did nothing to you," Harvey says.
"I wouldn't call lying to me nothing, Harvey. Now leave me alone."
A second hand grabs me. "Tell us honestly, do you mean it when you say we should move on? Are you sure?" Jaden asks.
"Fuck playboy bunnies if you want, it’s done." I pull my hand from them. My phone chimes in my pocket and I pull it out.
I frown at the message.
I can't get your lips out of my mind.
Before it registers what's happening, my phone gets snatched out of my hand and by the time I turn, it is connecting with a wall, shattering like cheap glass.
"What the fu—"
Harvey turns to me with a murderous look on his face, his breathing heavy as Jaden holds him.
"Summer, you are not fucking that guy, you hear me?"
All of them are standing between us.
"You should leave, Bumble." There’s a strain in Caleb's voice.
I know we broke up before, but this feels like the breakup. I open my mouth to say something, but I look at all of them and swallow. They look hurt, devastated. I feel bad, I want to apologize.
"We'll send you a replacement tomorrow," Jaden says.
"Harvey, calm the fuck down," Archer says looking over his shoulder.
"D, if you fuck him, I will kill him. I'll fucking kill him, and I'll make you watch."
"Harvey…" Jaden reprimands.
"You should leave," Caleb says with a hard face.