The week goes by fast. None of the guys bother me or try to talk. They basically let me be. I don’t see Logan either. We text a few times but it's really just chill friend vibes, which I appreciate.

I’ve been getting a few second looks from a few students, it's not intense like high school but some people have been noticing me more. I guess being in the middle of a football guy's 'beef' will get you known pretty quickly.

Hazel and Trevor are moving at lightning speed. She hasn’t divulged the details of their rendezvous, but she came back really late on Wednesday.

I didn’t probe her too much, but I’m still waiting for her to spill. All she’s said was they didn’t sleep together.

I feel like such a prude, a word I never thought I’d associate with myself.

Friday arrives sooner than I would have liked. The party has been the talk of campus. Apparently it’s one of the biggest all semester and is a bit of tradition on campus.

Hazel walks in with a towel wrapped around her waist, finding me in my robe too. Night has fallen and we are getting ready to be picked up for the party.

She insisted we put a little extra effort since we will be with the stars of BU and I succumbed to peer pressure yet again. I swear no one has had so much influence on me more than this girl. She just knows how to make me do things.

“I need help with my ponytail, dude. It's not coming together,” she says, slight panic in her voice.

“I like the wet look. Don’t you want to leave it down?”

“No, I want my Asian features to pop. I’m trying to shut down all these hoes, Su. It's a jungle out there.”

I cackle, how could I not?

“That is intense, Haze.”

“Well, competition is tight and in case you haven’t noticed, I always must win.” She plops on my chair, and I get behind her.

The mirror in front of us helps as we wrestle getting her ponytail perfect without a hair out of place on the laid part, beautifully flowing with wet-ish curls on the loose part and a few loose hairs around her face for the vibe. And I must admit, she looks like a Tamil goddess. No doubt no one will hold a candle to her beauty tonight.

“I bet even cousin Prisha would be jealous if she saw you right now,” I comment and she smirks.

“You know how to tickle my heart, Su.”

A knock disturbs us and I go to get it. When I peep, I find Trevor and Logan at the door.

“Hey, guys,” I say, but don’t open the door fully because I’m still in my robe. “You guys are early.”

“So, it would seem. I knew we should have texted. We can come back. Hello, and you look beautiful by the way.” Logan speaks and I smile.

“Hey, Summer. Haze is there, right?”

“Yeah,” she answers for herself.

“Um…” I want to look for a polite way to tell them to wait in the common area.

“You can wait in my room,” Hazel says.

“Yeah, cool.” Trevor grins and Logan winks at me before they turn and go.

No butterflies.

But that’s okay. It’s good. I don’t mean to be more. Just friends. Friends don’t have butterflies for each other. It’s fine.

I get back to getting ready. Hazel and I get dressed and when we are ready, we get the guys and leave. We pile into Logan’s Jeep and drive the three minutes to their house finding it packed when we arrive.

It’s even fuller than the last time. The whole street is full of cars. Logan parks on their driveway.

A few people turn their heads when climb out. We greet a few people and are introduced to a lot more. I think we spend half an hour outside before we even walk in.