I was lucky to fall for someone who was from my world, who knew how to maneuver our world. I don't have to explain my soul to Summer, she just gets it. We greet some people as we head to the front where my mother and her soon to be husband stand next to each other sporting the biggest, fakest grins.

"Son," Craig says and I can't help the grimace that makes its way to my surface. My mother's narrowed eyes make me school my face.

"This is beautiful, Karen. Congratulations to you both on your engagement," Summer says with all her politeness.

My mother looks at her with fondness. Summer was one of those things my mother approved of. It was a little weird for her to disprove of so many things I did and was, but she actually liked Summer.

"Oh, beautiful girl. I'm happy you two are back together. You look stunning, sweety." They air kiss and my mother forgets me as her and my girlfriend engage in a little catch up. While Craig and I just stand by awkwardly. I don't even attempt to make conversation. This guy isn't my friend and I know he wants me out of my own.

But having Summer here really is the difference.

"Did you come with your parents?" Mom asks. Summer and I look briefly at each other.

"They are here?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think somewhere with Drake and his wife." She points to the furthest right side of the room. It doesn't take too much to spot Drake Havenga with his height and blonde hair and Summer's father even as he is facing away from us.

"We will go and say hi. We'll come back later," Summer says.

We leave and it feels like my heart rate is lowering the further I move from Craig. We maneuver the crowd, stopping a few times for niceties, doing the do. Hanging on his arm is Drake's stunning wife.

"Small Ford." Drake grins his wide, friendly grin.

"Mr. Bailey, Dr. Bailey, Mr. Havenga, Mrs…Havenga, and Sir, good evening," I greet.

"I am Mrs. Richardson tonight, young man," Julie says coyly, obviously playing with one of her husbands and Drake gives her the side eye, but he grins seconds later not able to keep it up.

"Mom, dad." Summer advances to her parents. The niceties out of the way, her parents look between the two of us.

"I didn't know you two were friends again," her mother fishes nosily.

"We aren't just friends anymore, mom," Summer says boldly.

Both her parents give me their eye. Shit. The last time we interacted, they knew that I cheated on their daughter and her father chased us out of his yard. Fuck.

I itch to explain everything, but I don't say anything, just stand under their scrutinizing gaze.

"We'll talk," her father says to me in a stern voice, and I nod.

"You are Mr. Richardson of Hart Inc.?" Summer enquires with interest at the other husband.

"What do you know about that name, young lady?" he asks, polite smile on his face.

"My father here plotted to have you as a client for months and he may have done a little dance when he got the job," Summer says and the group laughs.

"I didn't dance for that reason, Su. Serena Williams had won the grand slam," he tries to defend himself.

"I believe your father; my father does a little wiggle too every time Serena comes out victorious," Julie says, earning the laugh of the group once more.

"It's a proud black father moment." Her father smiles in pride like he personally raised Serena Williams.

"And a black girl moment," Julie says with a little too much enthusiasm. She takes another swig at her drink, Havenga and Richardson both grinning at their wife getting tipsy.

The rest of the conversation is easy, and I almost forget the reason for the whole thing. Her parents let us go when we say we are flying back to college, but they made me promise to come for dinner with the guys when we come back for break.

Summer is hanging on my arm, and I am staring at her as we descend in the elevator. I feel lighter and lighter the lower we get. We walk out of the elevator and are met with three eyes that shouldn't be here.

"Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" Summer quickens her steps and I have to quicken mine too. The looks on their faces tell me they have something planned. Something me and Summer weren't privy to.