My eyes look at him with confusion. "You don't know?" I almost laugh and he smirks a little.

"Your relationship with Harv is yours two. I don't know how you finesse him. But he still feels a lot for you. He’s really hurt though. So, I don't know. You'd have to figure that out yourself."

"That isn't very helpful, Deltona."

"Hey, I tried." He shrugs before he comes closer. "But…you need to act quickly because I'm over all this mess."

I elbow him and he backs away. I get up to finish dressing, tucking my shirt in, and think about what he said. I need to do something big. But what can I do? Maybe I can see Caleb or Jaden later and they can help me.

Or maybe I can try and talk to Harv. That would be the big girl move. I need to own up to this shit, my part at least, and try and meet him where he is. I also need to brace for the possibility that he may not trust me with his heart anymore. But how do I prepare myself for the possibility that he won't want? Those are all the fat questions.

Archer walks me to the library and leaves me there. I spend the whole day there working hard drowning on my academic work just so I can avoid the very real shit bubbling in my heart and mind.

By the afternoon, I decide I need a break. But as I get up from my little nook, I see Fay walking towards the section I'm in. She doesn't seem to see me, engaged in a whisper conversation with the girl she’s walking with. I get up quickly and walk towards them. She spots me quickly and smiles a knowing smile which annoys me a little. I wave a little and the two girls slow down.

"Hi," I greet them.

"Hi," they greet back.

"Can I talk to you for a second, Fay?"

"Sure." She looks at her friend and gives her a nod. The girl leaves and I lead Fay to my nook.

"How are you?" I start the awkward conversation, now realizing I don't even know why I intercepted her, nor do I know exactly what I want to say to her. Will stay away from my man shine me in a dim light? Too much?

"I'm great and how are you, Summer?" Her brilliant smile almost makes my eye roll.

"Cool. Cool. Um, look. I wanted to apologize for yesterday. That was weird for me, and I acted weird. Sorry."

"Ugh, it's cool. I would have done the same."

I nod. "Just for the record, I am happy for you and Harv. He’s a great guy and I'm sure you are great too. So…yeah." I want the ground to swallow me up at that last one. Why did I say that? Summer, what happened to bossing up?

Fay just smirks. "You are much too chill about this," she says.


"Me and him. He said you'd be incensed," she confesses with a little chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"We aren't dating."

"Okay? Then what…?"

"I am his new step-cousin and we bonded over our mutual hate of his mother’s and my uncle's gross relationship," she murmurs.

"I don't know what you mean. Step cousin? Who are you?" Harvey didn't have a step-cousin.

"Ooh, it seems you are out of many loops. I may have spilled a lot. But the essence is we aren't dating. Just sort of forced family turned to acquaintances to appease our respective mother and uncle, who are getting married in three months, and he asked me to be his pretend girlfriend. Poor soul."

I stand there dumbfounded. His mom is getting married? Fuck. No, fuck fuck fuck.

"Shit," I blurt out.

"Yeah…" she breathes out, understanding my reaction.

"How long is this relationship?"