"It was." I hold his gaze firmly. I know I must do this. "I'm sorry. We were never meant to happen. I was in a bad space and I…I used you to get back at them."

His fists whooshes past my face connecting with the wall behind me as he roars like a fucking animal, and I feel it shake as I scream. I am terrified of moving. He pants, looking like he can do anything to me right now.

He looks to be feeling everything. Rage, pain, fear. There is fear in his eyes. And disbelief. We stand there for a few moments. He doesn't move, neither does he seem to want to. He has me caged in.

I hear doors open and feet shuffling outside.

"Is everything alright?" I hear a girl who lives a few doors down. Through my peripheral I see her peep in my door and see the situation. Logan has a devils look in his eyes and he is breathing heavy.

"Get the fuck out of here," he barks.

"Let her go or I'm calling security," she says even as I hear her trembling.

"Do you know who the fuck I am?" he barks to the girl, who luckily doesn't fold. She stands stronger, and I am glad someone is.

"You'll be more famous if you get arrested for assault," she says.

I can't move an inch. This man here is not the guy I dated for months.

"Summer, baby, let's work this out." I see the distress in his eyes, he knows I'm gone.

"It's over, Logan. Just leave. I'll get a restraining order if you come my way again," I say sternly.

Logan's eyes have a mix of anger and regret but he straightens. "You are making the biggest mistake of your life. I could have given you the world." Then he leaves.




My eyes flutter open, and my face is squished in a chest with small blonde hairs. Skin to skin, every part of our bodies touching. Not that there is a choice, my bed is a one sleeper compared to their comfortable queen sizes.

"You up?" Archer’s raspy voice pulls my gaze up to his face. He doesn't look like he's slept at all, and I frown. I feel a little guilty I called in the middle of the night to come and sleep here still frightened. I have never felt unsafe in my room, but Logan made me feel unsafe.

I haven't exactly talked to Archer about it, but I did tell him Logan came over and we fought. He didn't push for details even though I owed them to him. But Archer has a temper, and I never know what his reaction will be especially if he finds out what Logan did.

Archer loves me and is always gentle with me, but I have seen his temper too. He can go super Saiyan at the drop of a hat and they already had a confrontation of sorts.

And I may not know much, but Archer would fuck Logan up if he found out what happened. I have to keep it shut so not to make this a bigger drama than it is. For my peace.

Right now, I just want my peace back. Even though my life is a bigger mess than I hoped. And I can't even blame anyone else. I did this. I strung Logan along for months knowing it was nothing. How could it? I was still in love with them, and the business wasn't finished. Not by a long shot.

Archer’s hand moving along my hips brings me back, and I wonder how long I've been quiet.

I collect myself. "Yeah, I'm up. Sup?"

He shifts to his side, and I mirror him. I know that look "What I want to know is what is up with you and what happened last night."

I fix my mouth to say nothing is up, but I stop myself. How many times am I going to lie?

"Logan is not taking things well," I say honestly but also carefully.

Arch brushes my shoulder almost mindlessly, but it’s anything but. He is giving me a false sense of calmness. Lulling me in his comfort so I tell him everything. "What did he do?"

I decide on a head shake instead of a bald-faced lie.

"I saw the dent on your wall, Peach," he says softly.