"I don't the fuck know. He hasn't told me anything. But he's lying about dating her," he says.

"And how would you know that?" Harvey sits back in his seat.

"Just a few days ago you looked at Summer like you wanted to drink her bath water. So, I ask again, what's your fucking deal?" Jaden says.

He shrugs. "And that's over now." He pauses, dramatically. "You know I think Fay is just the kind of girl I need."

He is taunting us.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jaden says.

"Need for what?" I say.

"Operation make Summer jealous and a little payback for Logan." He relaxes back on the couch.

Our mouths are on the floor and I don't know if we want to slap him, or fist bump him. I mean, I love Summer and I'm glad we are moving in the right direction, but the Logan situation was crazy.

"Harvey, you will stop what you are doing with her." Arch comes in with the hard, disgusted voice.

Okay, so maybe only I and Jaden want to fist bump Harv a little. Not that I'm surprised of course. Summers soldier boy is always ready.

"Looks like you are on your own with that opinion, Arch," he says with a smirk.

"Hey, don't include me in your fucked up plans. I am with Arch. You are going to fuck this up for us with her," Jaden barks.

Okay, so maybe it's just me and Harv alone in the crooked place.

Harvey just shrugs before he gulps his beer down and his throat bops.

Arch turns to me. "You are not with him, right?"

"Of course, I'm not…" I pause. "But maybe make her a little jealous. But you have to stop it quickly. She is not happy about it, she's fucking pissed. So, hurry and sort your shit. Oh, and make things right with her again. I am tired of this shit."

"I'll stop when I want to," Harv says.

"I'm gonna tell her then and then your little plan will blow up in your face., Jaden threatens.

Harvey's face twists with dark rage. "Summer paraded that guy in our face for months."

"She was single," Arch defends her.

"And?" Harvey pauses. "Was she really single? She was always fucking ours and she went and fucked that guy. And now it must be smooth sailing because she caught him cheating on her?" He stands up, staring at all of us down. "Was she even going to dump him before then?"

"I won't tolerate this shit from you, Harv." Arch stands.

"Oh, you won't? Like she didn't, right? My fucking girlfriend left me at a dark fucking time in my life when I needed her and went ahead and fucked a fucking asshole and I'm supposed to just chill? Nah."

The outburst catches us all of guard. Is more going on here?

"What's going on, Harvey?" Jaden asks the obvious question.

"Fuck all of you." He turns on his heel and heads to the door.

That was plenty.

Definitely sure that had little to do with anything he just said.

"Does anyone know what's going on with him?" Archer asks.