"Harvey got drugged at the party and Tracey offered to help him to the bedroom since she was going that way anyway. We shouldn't have let her because he was pretty out of it. And she set up a camera and got on top of him. He doesn't remember anything; how he got there, or when most things happened. The only thing he says he remembers was seeing you on top of him. He thought…"
My whole inside recoils. "Tracey was me?"
I feel hot suddenly and get off Arch's lap and stand.
"Is this true?" I don't know why I am hoping a little it isn't, and he just cheated. But if he got sexually assaulted, then I may be worse than the worst.
"Yeah," Caleb answers but none of them get up.
I remain there feeling worse than when I thought I got cheated on.
"I…I have to go." I take off to the door and hear footsteps behind me.
"Peach, stay." I hear Archer's well-meaning voice.
"I need to think. I…Maybe I'll see you." I don't turn and head out the door.
I walk to my first class this very blue Monday and slip into my usual seat. Honestly, the weekend flew by in a blur. I don't remember most of it. If it wasn't for night and day, I would have completely lost the concept of time.
After I left the guys' house, I left campus. I booked a hotel and spent all weekend watching TV, overthinking, ordering copious amounts of room service, and crying. Mostly crying. I feel like shit.
What kind of a crappy person am I? I dumped my boyfriend who got sexually assaulted. A part of me was in denial but there’s no way he could be lying about it. When I remember how he looked at her.
Oh, Harvey. What have I done?
I am snapped out of my languishing by a familiar cologne and look up to see Caleb taking the seat next to mine. He looks like…Caleb. I lick my lips nervously before I turn away from him. My heart beating faster; shame will do that to you.
"Morning, Bumble," he says simply.
I nod and bite my lower lip. "You okay?"
"No," he says simply. "You weren't in your dorm all weekend."
I get cut off by the professor and am only too happy to look away from Caleb and focus on the professor. The class goes on much quicker than I hoped and before I know it, it's over and we are packing our things to leave. I choose not to rush as Caleb waits for me and I don't try to fight. We walk out together after class, and I find a very angry Logan outside standing with Trevor.
He is the one I want to run from. I can't believe I felt bad for this asshole. What a piece of shit.
"Summer, you better have a great explanation. Where the fuck have you been?" His gaze is murderous. I just stand there next to Caleb who is tense, and don't respond. He still thinks I don't know. He closes the distance between us, but Caleb blocks him before he can get to me. The busted lip reminds me that they told me he came around on Friday.
"Go fuck yourself, Logan." I can't contain the bitterness from my voice.
Caleb doesn't say anything and I'm thankful he isn't jumping to save me.
"Are you kidding? Are you fucking all of them again? Is that why you were there? You sl—"
Caleb spins so fast, punching Logan in the gut. Logan recovers and shoulders Caleb's midsection and they go crashing to the ground. Everything happens so quickly, and I jump in when Logan goes again for Caleb who looks furious, and I know shit is about to go left.
"Fucking stop, Logan!" I launch myself between them, pushing Logan away from Caleb. He retreats but the look he gives me is one of hurt and rage. He huffs.
"Let's go," Logan says to me. Is he insane?