"He's an idiot," Arch says and I snort.

"You are friends with an idiot too." I don't look at him, but I feel the intensity of the moment.

"Was Logan drugged?" he asks.

"I don't know. Why do you ask?" I turn my face to him. But he just carries on brushing me again.

"So how did you find out?" he evades my question. But I am too in my feels to start interrogating him.

"I came back yesterday, and can you believe I was going to break up with him anyway? So, I went to his house. I don't know why I thought surprising him would be a great idea." I chuckle looking back at it now. That was probably God right there guiding my steps. "So, I went in and what do I hear but Hazel moaning, 'fuck me, Lo’ for the whole campus to hear. " I grin sarcastically because I’ll start crying unless I try to downplay this shit and I know for a fact Logan and Hazel aren't worth my fucking tears.

"Your friend Hazel?"

"The very one."

"Fuck, Peach. I'm so sorry." Arch comes close and comforts me, kissing the side of my face. I place my hand on top of his.

"That I told you so would be great right now. Maybe get it out of the way." I'm just in my self-pity bag because Archer has never said that.

He retreats from me. "Peach, this isn't your fault. And none of us would have thought the guy was such an idiot. He shouldn't have done that, and you deserve better."

I turn to look at him. So many things to say but I choose to just nod. I’m tired of talking about it.

"Is it possible that you rail my sadness away now? I'm tired of talking." I turn my body to him.

He chuckles sadly. "I don't think I should be taking advantage of you right now." He cups my face with his hand.

"Even if I say please?" I try to near him and be seductive. It just comes off…sad.

"I want to rail you believe me, but you are sad, baby. And you need to deal with this and not run away from it using sex. When you are a little better, trust me, I'm going to rail you as much as you want."

I retreat too and laugh.

"Life is really kicking my ass, isn't it?" I sit up. "A girl can't even get railed these days."

"Come on, Peach." He gets up too and wraps his arms around me.

"I just don't want to cry about it, Arch. They both don't deserve my tears, you know?"

He kisses my cheek. "They do not. But if you do want to cry. Then I am here."

After many minutes of silence, I get off the bed. "Come on. Let's go shower."

He quips his brow. "You want to shower together?"

"Well, I am single now and I can shower with who I want, so yes. Come on. Or is that off the table too?" I tease.

He smirks. "Nah. But let's make this bed first then we can shower. Or would you like a bubble bath? I think Jaden has the things."

"That does sound tempting. But I think I am overdue a conversation with the house. They deserve some sort of explanation from me and I'm sure they have a lot of questions with everything they know between us and Caleb." I pull the covers off the bed.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I love having you all to myself but…" he drifts off and I nod.

I can't stop thinking about Harvey. How am I going to look at him, what am I going to say to him and where is our relationship now? I can never point a finger his way. I am a cheater too. But is there a possibility for an us? Do I even want a relationship?

We shall see.

After we finish preparing for the day, me and Arch head downstairs where the TV is playing, and the aroma of coffee has the whole house on lock. I hope I can get a latte.