"Morning, and yes I did. I told you I was. And I brought you something." She places the small box in his lap and goes to his open arms, and he closes his eyes as he relishes her.
They pull away and I make my way to the window. I look out to the hospital's beautifully manicured garden. Some patients are going for morning walks, some accompanied by staff and some alone in their hospital attire, looking all levels of diseased.
"Well, we are here too, shit," Jaden says and there is chuckle.
"I don't give a shit about you, just my Peach here."
Silence rings loud.
I am almost too curious; I want to look back. Did he make it awkward for her by 'revealing' his desire to still have her back?
I smirk to myself. Idiot. This one is going to get dropped again if he is stupid. Summer doesn't want to hear any of that shit.
Caleb clears his throat. "When are you getting discharged? I don't like being here any longer."
"I am waiting for the discharge papers then my sickness doesn't have to be an inconvenience to you, asshole," Arch shoots back.
Well, would you look at that. One night with Summer and he is already on his way back to health and talking shit.
"Hm, these are really good. Thank you, Peach."
"You're welcome," she says.
After his doctor sees him one last time, he gets his discharge papers and medication, we leave the dread of the hospital. I drive us back to the house and it is mostly her and Arch speaking in low tones. It is silly of me to feel a little jealous of my friend, but I wish that that was us too.
"So, how is Logan? Didn't cry too much about last night?" Caleb asks after he expels smoke next to me in the passenger seat.
I arch an eyebrow his way.
"My boyfriend isn't any of your concern, Caleb."
The collective tense in the car is so pulpable. I never thought I'd hear her seriously refer to someone else as her boyfriend. It’s like it is really is opposite world and I am watching my life's version of a horror.
I park the car outside and we get out. The street is mostly empty. It's a Friday, most students are in class, and some are still recovering from the Thursday shenanigans. The party always starts on Thursday lasting till 5 a.m on Monday.
Jaden and I help Arch inside and Caleb and Summer follow. We take twice as long ascending the stairs.
"If you would let us just carry you, we'd be there much sooner," Jaden complains.
"And I will shove my foot up your ass if you lift me off the ground, asshole," Arch answers.
"You have too much pride for someone who was dancing with the devil just a few hours ago," I say as we get to the landing.
"Go fuck yourself."
Fucker. I push his door and we walk in. The bed isn't made and it's a little messy. Not messy like normal people, just a few things are out of place, we should have known something was really wrong. But none of us came to his room.
We just went to bed and left earlier without checking. Summer walks in front and moves the duvet. We place him on his sheets. She goes to his closet, and she fishes out fresh linen.
"Please go over there so I can change this." She looks at him, only him.
"You don't need to, Peach. They can do it." He doesn't look at any of us either, just her. Their gazes soft for each other.
"Nonsense, I want to. Now move, chunky."
We all chuckle. He gets up and he goes to the chair where Caleb situated himself. With a glare to our friend, Caleb moves, and he shakes his head.
"Okay, I will be downstairs, I need to eat. Will a ham sandwich be enough for his highness, or does he want something else before he takes his medication?" Caleb asks over his shoulder.