
He doesn't answer immediately but I get it. They are trying to get Harvey out since he poses a threat as the only sane grandson of old Ford. If his mother and Craig have an heir, they control everything, and Harvey is left in the cold.

Not the cold exactly, he owns a sweet 7% of the company but it’s child's play when you understand the larger pie. And to Harvey, his family legacy is everything.

It was his pride, and he worked so hard even when he didn't need to, to gain competence to return his family name back on top and take the company his ancestors started to greater heights.

"Then there's Henry. He is having a child by that bitch. She's six months pregnant." The venom in his voice is as dark as the blackest night. Harvey hates his father, but he also hates his long-term mistress now sort-of girlfriend probably more.

"I'm sorry." It's all I can say, but I know he isn’t looking for any answers from me.

“Who was that on the phone the other day?”

“The engagement party I am being forced to go to, next week.”

“Are you going?”

“I have to.” He really hates that he has to.

“Who are you going with?” I ask.

“I don’t have a date.”

“Want one?”

He lifts a brow. “You’d come?”

“Of course. If you wouldn’t mind.”

He is quiet. “If you can handle me in a pissy mood all night, I’d love it if you did.”

I grin. “You’ve been in a pissy mood for months now. I’ll be good.”

He doesn’t reciprocate my attempt at lightening the mood.

“Summer, can we stop all this and just get back together?”

“Yeah. If you can forgive me for everything.”

“I’m not entirely blameless. I did keep the truth from you and made the others lie too. I should have trusted you. I apologize.” He pauses. “I was angry when I saw you again, especially about Logan. So many things went sideways, how we handled everything after it happened. I asked them not to tell you. I didn’t think you’d believe me. That’s why I didn’t want it out there. I was ashamed and… confused.” He sighs, and I grab his hand.

“For a long time, I didn’t know if it was a violation or if I allowed it to happen. But I didn’t want it. I didn’t want anyone else. Everything that happened with us just sucked. I hated seeing you with Logan. I never want to see you with anyone else ever again. That shit is over. I love you, but I will kill any other guy who has their lips on you after this. You are ours and no one else’s. You understand me?”

“I understand,” I say, many emotions warring for attention.

“I enjoyed the fight. The way you shoved her in the sand. I love your crazy ass.” He finally softens.

“I love you too.”

He kisses me. Our first kiss in seven months. It’s unhurried. An intense fire burning low, instead of bright and fast. Neither of us advance for more as we take it slow. We don’t go all the way and end up cuddling and talking all night instead.




Harvey and I don’t separate the following days. Aside from our separate classes, we are together 24/7. We didn’t talk about it, but we are just taking our time reacquainting ourselves with each other. Much needs to be made right with us. Sex hasn’t happened but it’s not for the lack of sexual tension, we are both just letting it simmer as we enjoy each other.