"Summer…" he warns.

I get up suddenly and the table rattles, but I don't pay attention to it.

"I have to go. I have…things… bye." I drag my bag and walk out.

I try to not sprint out, so I don't embarrass myself. My heart beats in my ears, my chest hot with twisted anger and I want to cry. But I blink and I stop myself from running. Hands grab me from behind and for a split second I hope it’s Harvey coming to say he doesn't want her anymore and he wants to work on us.

"Baby, shh." Caleb's voice comes from behind me and Archer appears in front.

"Let me leave. I have something to do," I say.

"Then let's go," Archer says.

They both say nothing as I head to my dorm.

Jaden remained behind, but I'm mad at him too because he should have left the lovebirds alone. But I know that's unfair, so I push it aside.

We enter my dorm without saying anything and they get out of my way. Placing my bag on my table, they take seats on my bed. Avoiding their direction, I head to the bathroom. It's a little sucky that there are no doors here. I take off my clothes and cover my hair with a shower cap because I am not in the mood to get it wet.

I stand under the hot spray, and I try to breathe as I try to face the fact that Harv has a girlfriend. I know I have no right to be so jealous because we aren't together especially since I used to parade Logan in front of them, but I am fucking jealous. I hate it.

I know I need to stand up. I know I need to accept this. I need to be okay with it. We haven't been together in over six months, of course, he was going to see someone else.

Su, you need to be okay with this.

With a sore heart, I come to that decision. I will swallow my feelings and try and be happy for him. Because the alternative will not shine me in a positive light. I will be the crazy ex and nana would be ashamed of me. I need to boss the fuck up.

When I have washed my body, I feel refreshed. I'm still sad but I'll be fine. Perhaps I can just see where the vibe is taking me with the others.

I still don't know if I am ready for full-on relationships. Mainly because I don't know if it will be right without Harvey. It's stupid to hold a candle for someone's boyfriend but…

I wrap my body with a towel and hang the shower cap on the hanger. The two braids Arch did on me this morning dangle and I smile as I walk out to them looking very relaxed.

Caleb sits crisscross without his shoes and Arch is lying with his top half on the bed and feet on the floor, and they are talking about something.

They turn to me when I enter, and there is worry on their faces.

"I'm a little hungry," I say taking a seat next to Caleb, not giving them a moment to probe.

"What are you in the mood for?" he asks.

"Gourmet burger from Ozzy's with the mushroom sauce," I say.

"Ooh, that sounds good," Archer says.

Caleb opens his phone and goes to his app.

"Peach, are you okay?" Arch asks, caution not far from his voice.

"Can I please not talk about it?" I say, hoping that is enough.

There is a moment of silence as Caleb continues with the order.

"Is he really dating that girl?" The question comes out without thinking. I don't know why I need to know.

There is another moment of silence, which is more telling than any words.

"We don't know," Arch answers.