“Serafina?” I called.

“Fina?” Pietro’s voice was shaky.

We ran for a long time, but Serafina didn’t call out again. I wasn’t sure if we hadn’t run in circles. Orientation in the woods was close to impossible.

“They are gone,” I said quietly when we stopped to catch our breath.

Pietro supported Samuel who could barely stand by now, looking ashen. His shirt and trousers were covered in blood.

Danilo shook his head, his white shirt plastered to his body from sweat. “Search the fucking city!” he roared at his soldiers. His men rushed off, back to the street and their cars.

“Call your doctor and tell him to come to the church,” I told Danilo.

He nodded. “I’m heading out now. I know this city, every corner, every nook. I’m going to find them.”

“Do that.” He stormed off. Pietro helped Samuel back to the street, while I gave orders to the Underbosses and Captains who’d joined us on the chase. They needed to give our contacts in the surrounding areas, at airports and close to the Camorra border a heads-up so they kept their eyes open.

Samuel sagged into the backseat. I bent over him and pulled his hand away to check his wound. “The bullet has gone straight through.”

Samuel grasped my arm, leaving bloody handprints all over. “Remo and Fabiano, they attacked us. Their goal was Fina.” He shook. “Fuck, Dante, what do they want with her?”

“Let’s get you to a doctor, Samuel,” I said, trying to remain calm even as my thoughts were spinning out of control. Pietro sat beside his son on the back seat and I drove. Pietro looked completely shaken as he pressed down on Samuel’s wound. “Everything will be okay,” he repeated.

They both seemed in shock. I’d fought with them before. They kept a calm head even in the most dangerous situations, but this was different. Serafina was in the hands of the Camorra and we all knew what that meant.

I drove even faster, needing to get back to Val, Leonas, and Anna. I had to see them with my own eyes, needed to make sure they were safe and healthy.

Danilo’s doctor awaited us in front of church. Ten Made Men stood guard around the building, the rest of the guests were still inside. The moment Samuel was in good hands, I hurried into the church.

Val, Leonas, and Anna sat with Ines and Sofia still in the first row. Val’s worried gaze hit me and relief filled me seeing my family was okay. I wouldn’t let anything happen to them.

Ines jumped up from the pew and rushed toward me. She was barefoot and her makeup was smeared from crying. I caught her as she stumbled against me, her frantic eyes meeting mine. “What’s going on? Where are my children? Where’s Pietro?”

I wrapped an arm around her. “Ines, Pietro is all right. Samuel was shot.”

Her fingernails dug into my arm. “Where is he? What about Fina? Dante tell me!”

Val came up behind her but apparently she’d ordered the children to remain in the first row. Everyone in church was looking my way.

“Samuel will be fine. He’s been taking care of.” I paused, not sure how to say what needed to be said. For a moment I looked at Anna who watched me with wide, horrified eyes. I couldn’t imagine what the news would do to my sister. If Remo had Anna in his hands. My throat corded up just considering the option. “She got captured, Ines. But we sent out men to search the city for her, and I alerted every soldier to keep an eye out for her. We’ll find her.”

Ines stared up at me, her chest heaving. She shook her head. “Who’d kidnap my daughter? Why? She’s innocent!”

I feared that was exactly why Remo had chosen her. Fury slithered through my veins. He’d gone too far, and he’d pay for it.

Ines clutched me even harder. “Dante, tell me who!”

Her voice was shrill, more fearful than I’d ever heard her. Not even when she’d found out she was to marry Jacopo had she looked this terrified. “The Camorra.”

Ines stumbled back, her trembling hand pressing to her mouth. She would have sunk to her knees if Val hadn’t wrapped a steadying arm around her. “Shhh, Ines, we’ll find her.”

Ines looked at me with blame in her eyes and it cut me worse than I’d ever admit. “I need to see my son.”


“Take me to my son,” she whispered harshly. Sighing, I motioned for one of my men to take her to Pietro and Samuel.

When she was gone, Val came toward me. If everyone hadn’t been watching, I would have clutched her to my chest, and I could tell from the look in Val’s eyes that she wanted to do the same.

“Are we safe here?” she asked in a shaky voice, her gaze finding our children who were peering our way. The terror in their face was something I’d never wanted to bear witness to.