She rolled her eyes. “I’m okay.”

I laughed and led her to the front. Danilo straightened the moment he saw us heading their way.

I shook his hand. He was a tall, handsome man with brown hair and eyes. Serafina with her fair beauty would complement him well. “Hello Danilo, I hope you’re not too nervous?”

“I’ve waited for this day for a long time,” he said politely.

Anna hugged Emma carefully. Emma too was dressed in a bridesmaid dress, her brown curls arranged beautifully on her shoulders.

“You look pretty,” Emma said.

“You too.”

Emma blushed and looked down at her lap in obvious embarrassment. My heart ached for her. In our world girls were judged by their beauty and by their capability to bear children. As a disabled girl, she’d be regarded as less because she was considered as lacking in both areas, which was complete and utter nonsense. Yet, despite her father’s efforts, she wasn’t promised to someone yet. I still couldn’t believe how disgusting the Cincinnati Underboss had reacted to the accident.

Danilo’s expression was full of protectiveness as he regarded Emma and Anna.

I bent down to Emma. “Your brother is a handsome fella.” She smiled shyly up at me then peered up over my head at Danilo.

Straightening, I turned back to Danilo. Anna told Emma about her visit in the Indiana State museum. She always insisted on going to museums when we visited a city, much to Leonas’ chagrin. Emma actually seemed interested.

“Your sister is going to miss you once you move out,” I said quietly.

Danilo frowned. “I moved out a few months ago, but Emma is going to live with me as soon as Serafina has settled into the mansion.”

“Oh,” I said surprised then glanced toward Danilo’s parents. His father had been battling stomach cancer for a while now. He didn’t look good. Too thin and pale, and much older than late forties. “Because your mother needs to take care of your father and doesn’t have enough time for Emma?”

Danilo didn’t say anything, his expression polite but making it obvious that he wouldn’t discuss his family with me.

I smiled then glanced at my watch. “I think we need to take our seats. It’s not long now.”

Danilo gave me a quick smile then pushed Emma over to his parents. Anna and I took our seats in the first row as well. A few minutes later, Sofia, Ines, and Pietro joined us. Even though it was tradition for the father to lead the bride to the altar, Samuel would do it. He and Serafina were close as could be expected for twins.

Danilo took his place in front of the altar, looking perfectly composed. Tall, dark, and handsome, many girls admired him. I bent down to Anna. “He’s got many fans among the ladies.”

Anna bit her lip, her eyes twinkling. “I know.”

I didn’t get the chance to ask what she meant because Pietro stood abruptly, his phone pressed to his ear and a look of utter shock on his face.

“Pietro?” Dante asked, standing as well.

“Someone attacked the bridal car and is trying to kidnap Serafina.”A hush fell over the crowd, their attention shifting from Pietro to me. I gripped Pietro’s shoulders.

“Where are they?”

“About two miles from here.”

I pulled my gun and my men followed my example. I ordered half of the men to stay here and protect the women and children, while the rest of the men and I headed out. Before I left, I kissed Val harshly, then motioned at Enzo and Taft to stay close to her and our children.

I ran out of the church, followed closely by Danilo and Pietro. Danilo was barking orders at his men. He’d learned to carry the weight of responsibility early and he wore it well.

His eyes were wild with determination before he jumped into his car and led the way. Pietro and I chased him, followed by even more cars. Who was behind the attack? The Bratva? Luca?

Soon smoke rising up from a black car caught my eye. We pulled up beside it. Pietro and I jumped out of the car. A body lay on the ground in a puddle of blood and beside it crouched Samuel, clutching a hand over his bleeding side. Pietro rushed toward him, not even paying attention to our surroundings. Raising my gun, I scanned the area but didn’t spot anyone. I joined them, squatting on the ground beside them. Serafina’s bodyguard was dead. Two shots had blasted through his stomach.

“What happened? Where are they?” Danilo growled.

Samuel’s gaze flickered with terror. “It’s the Camorra. They want Fina.”

“Fuck!” Danilo snarled.

Samuel stumbled to his feet, pointing into the woods. “They ran that way. Let’s go!”

Danilo ran off and I followed.

“Fina!” Samuel shouted. I glanced over my shoulder. Pietro was close behind but Samuel had trouble keeping up with us due to his wound.

Serafina’s scream rang out off to the right. We sped up. More men joined us, fanning out. Twigs snatched at our suits. The terrain was uneven and made running difficult, particularly dressed as we were. Serafina’s attackers probably had dressed more sensible for a chase.