I kept an eye on Sofia and Anna while Ines helped her daughter Serafina get ready for her wedding. I couldn’t wait to see her in her dress. She was gorgeous, an angelic appearance and would look magnificent in white.

I peered into the bedroom to see how far Leonas and Dante were. Leaning against the doorframe, I smiled as I watched Dante help Leonas bind his tie. Leonas looked dapper in his grey three-piece suit, wingtip shoes, and carefully styled hair. The similarity was absolutely startling and got more prominent the older Leonas got. At only seven he was already his father’s spitting image. Their personalities, on the other hand, weren’t as similar. Leonas could be temperamental and rash at times, even if he was already good at keeping up a mask in public.

Dante glanced up, noticing me. His eyes took in my dress, a form-fitting dark green mermaid-style piece. I wore the emerald jewelry that Dante had gifted me over the years.

Leonas peered up as well. “Do I really have to wear this suit? The shirt scratches and the vest is too tight.”

Dante touched his shoulder. “We have to convey a certain image in public. Not to mention that this is the biggest social event in a while.”

“Weddings are boring,” Leonas mumbled.

Anna stepped up beside me. “They aren’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about. We get to dance all night!”

Sofia nodded enthusiastically, linking fingers with my daughter.

Leonas made a puking sound.

“Behave today,” Dante said firmly.

Leonas nodded but he gave Anna a murderous look. She grinned.

Dante touched Leonas’ head then came my way with an exasperated expression.

“No fighting in church today, you hear me?” I said sternly, glancing between Leonas and Anna.

“He always starts it,” Anna said.


“I don’t care who starts it. I’ll end it,” Dante said, sounding stern.

Anna moved toward him and hugged his middle. “I’ll make sure Leonas behaves.”

Dante chuckled. “I’m not blind, Anna. I saw how you kicked your brother under the table during breakfast this morning.”

Anna flushed. Leonas jutted out his chin. “See. Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

Dante shook his head with a smile. Sometimes those two were like cat and mouse, and sometimes they were inseparable. Sofia pressed her palm over her mouth, stifling laughter.

“Sofia, are you ready?” Pietro called, coming into our suite in a tuxedo.

I glanced at my watch. “We really should go now if we want to be in church in time.”

I smiled at Pietro who looked stressed and even a bit nervous. “This will be a beautiful wedding. Serafina and Danilo are such a beautiful couple.”

“Yeah,” he said slowly. “But it’s not easy to let your daughter go. You’ll see what I mean once it’s time for you to marry Anna off, Dante.”

Dante’s mouth tightened as he regarded Anna who exchanged a conspiratorial smile with Sofia. Then both turned red. “It’ll be Sofia’s turn first. She’s older.”

“We’ll see,” Pietro said with a laugh.

“Come now, it’s getting late,” I urged.

Taking Leonas’ hand, I led him out of the room. Anna and Dante followed close behind. Together we took the elevator down to the valet parking. Sofia and Pietro would go to Serafina’s room and head out later.

“Mom, don’t hold my hand when we’re in public. I’m not a little boy anymore,” Leonas said quietly from his place on the backseat. Dante shot me an amused look as he steered the car away from the hotel.

“You’re only seven.”

“He thinks he’s a grownup,” Anna piped.

“You talk about boys with Sofia,” Leonas muttered.

“Stop spying on us!”

I squeezed Dante’s hand. “In the mood for a little bet? I say they don’t get through the wedding ceremony without a fight.”

“I only take bets I win.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course. That’s why we own casinos. The bank always wins.”

“That’s right.” Dante smiled smugly.

The church was at the outskirts of town because the wedding location was in a renovated barn. Serafina had wished for an outdoor wedding and Danilo had agreed despite his family’s tradition for a more formal affair in a hotel ballroom.

Many guests had already gathered in front of the church. The moment we arrived, all attention was on us. We shook hands and greeted everyone until we finally filed into the church. Danilo was already inside near the altar, squatting in front of his eleven-year-old sister Emma who sat in a wheelchair since a car accident a year ago. The father of the boy she was supposed to marry, the Cincinnati Underboss, had canceled the marriage negotiations right afterward, which had led to a huge scandal and was why his family wasn’t invited to the wedding.

“Can we go over to Emma? I want to say hi,” Anna whispered. I touched her cheek, overcome by emotions at her consideration. Dante and Leonas were talking to the Underboss of Detroit so I indicated to them that we’d go ahead. Dante gave me a small nod. I took Anna’s hand then paused. “Or are you too old for hand holding?”