“You intend to capture her and blackmail Luca with her wellbeing and life, I assume?” Rocco said when I’d been silent for too long.

“I’ll definitely capture her. What I’ll do with her once I have her, that’s still uncertain. I don’t want word about this to get out.”

“We need to figure out what to do with Aria. Luca is a dangerous opponent, especially when provoked.”

“He is, which is why I don’t think keeping Aria as a captive is the most promising plan.”

Rocco opened his mouth as if to protest but I raised my hand. He probably would have voiced valid objections, but it didn’t matter. I considered alternative options. I couldn’t just let her go. The Outfit needed to profit from her mistake, or my men would mutiny.

“We need to drive a wedge between them, to destroy them from within. If Luca’s marriage breaks apart, the people in the Famiglia who were against a bond with an Outfit woman will rise.”

Rocco narrowed his eyes in thought, then nodded. “Emotional warfare is an option. Luca is raving jealous when it comes to Aria. Maybe he thinks it’s love, but it’s pure ownership. He’d defend his territory at any cost, the East and Aria both. If he thought Aria wasn’t as angelic as he considers her to be, if he feels betrayed by her, he could become an easy target.”

“You want to stage an affair? With whom?”

“Have you ever seen Luca’s expression when someone brought the Golden Couple rumor up?”


“Dante, Luca hates you. You are his enemy, another predator who wants his prey. It would unravel any semblance of humanity he’s put up. The mere idea that you could touch what he considers his will destroy him. This could be our first step toward victory.”

It could be, or it could spiral this war completely out of control. Only time could tell.After my encounter with Aria in the restroom, I headed back to Bibiana and Luisa, holding Anna’s hand tightly. Enzo gave me a curious look, obviously worried because I had spent so long in the restroom. I hoped Anna would play along and keep Aria’s appearance a secret. If she let something slip around Enzo, I wouldn’t be able to stop him from capturing my cousin and delivering her to Dante.

God, Dante. How was I supposed to keep this from him?

I couldn’t tell him though. The war with the Famiglia wouldn’t give him any choice but to use Aria against Luca, especially when Rocco found out. Maybe he was a clever strategic genius, but I didn’t like him. Since he married that young girl, less than ever. His desire for the girl had ultimately caused the debacle with Liliana.

I sank down across from Bibi who looked up from the drawing Luisa was doing and frowned. She knew me well. I glanced toward Enzo and gave him a tight smile because he still hovered close to me instead of taking his seat beside Taft. He finally retreated and sat down. My eyes darted to the restroom door, wondering when Aria would emerge, but I didn’t dare focusing my attention there.

Bibi raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”

Her voice was a bare whisper.

“Nothing.” Then I mouthed, “Later.”

“Nothing,” Anna echoed with wide theatrical eyes before she smiled proudly at me. I kissed her hair. Louisa grinned at Anna who hopped off the bench and headed over to her friend so they could draw together. Those two were too cute together.

“How are things with your parents?” I asked softly, needing to change the topic before Anna’s excitement got the better of her, or my worry drove me crazy.

Bibi sighed. “They are very unhappy that I’m still unmarried. It’s scandalous in their eyes. They’ve been talking to Rocco. They think Dante needs to stop putting a hand over me. It’s family, not Capo business.” She gave an apologetic smile. “I hope he doesn’t get in trouble because of me.”

“He won’t,” I said firmly. It had taken a long time for Bibi to recover from Tommaso’s abuse. She hadn’t been interested in being with another man, much less someone her parents chose for her again. They’d given her to a monster the first time. I doubted their taste had improved. They were despicable human beings. “Have you considered going on a date? Getting to know someone?”

Bibi’s eyes widened in shock. “You know how it is. It would be a scandal. Even if I were okay with the backlash, I don’t want Luisa to get problems because of me.” She’d lowered her voice and leaned over the table so her daughter wouldn’t hear her but Luisa and Anna were busy anyway.

I touched her hand. “You act like I want you to become some kind of scarlet woman.”

Bibi snorted, and I smiled. “I mean why not go on dates with possible suitors. Or do you prefer to stay alone?”