She pressed her foot in the puddle of his come, then dragged it across his face, leaving a sticky, smeared streak. “Good boy. Now, go get some toweling and clean this up.”
Before he could do that, it took him some time to wriggle his wrists free of the tie, which Kate didn’t bother to assist with. Hands freed, he went to get toweling from his bathroom, wetting it at the sink. As he wiped the floor clean, Kate hooked her knees over the arms of his desk chair and stroked her clit. He wasn’t allowed to touch or look—continued punishment for his earlier resistance.
“Why aren’t you cleaning?” Kate demanded. He’d gone still, listening to her shallow breaths and the soft, slick sounds of her fingers gliding over her wet pussy. “Get to work.”
He jarred back into motion, growling when he heard the gasping, whimpering cry stifled behind her own palm that signaled Kate’s climax. That he had not been the one to give it to her was the worst possible punishment.
“Knyazhna,” he groaned. “This is cruel.”
She laughed, slipping one leg off the chair arm to poke his ribs with her toes. “When I see the funds have transferred to the foundation’s accounts, I’ll let you give me an orgasm.”
He turned to look at her, even though she hadn’t yet given him permission to do so.
She gave him a smug, leonine smirk. “Maybe I’ll let you give me several.”
He felt himself getting hard again.
“Maybe I’ll even let you come.”
“Don’t tease me,” he said gruffly. “I have a meeting in ten minutes.”
“Hmm… maybe I’ll let you come inside me. Would you like that, Mishka?”
“Blyat,” he cursed softly. He was hard as iron again. “Katya, you are a terrorist.”
She laughed. “But you love it. Come here.”
He went to her on his knees, slipping between her spread thighs. She wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him in close, kissing him deeply. He gripped the arms of the chair as she savored him. The sweet intensity of that kiss told him everything he needed to know—that he was loved, that he was needed, that he was hers. When she finally broke away, she pressed one more kiss to his forehead, and simply stroked his hair. He let his eyes fall closed, relishing the gentle comfort of her touch.
“I love you,” she whispered against the shell of his ear.
He shivered, a trail of goosebumps running down his spine. “I love you, too,” he answered easily, truly.
After a quiet moment, she released him and got up from the chair. “I suppose you should get back to work.” She ruffled his hair, as she walked away. Pausing in the doorway, she glanced back at him. “Oh, and remember tonight we have game night at Anna and Jason’s.”
“I would rather play chess with you in our own home,” Mikhail grumbled as he righted his clothing. He didn’t particularly crave friendship, but for Kate’s sake, he tolerated her friends and did his best to be tolerable in return.
“I know you would. But we’re playing euchre with six other people, so prepare yourself.” She started to leave and then swung back. “If it’s any consolation, I’m pretty sure that the more people that get added to these game nights, the more Jason wants to fake his own death and run away to live in the mountains.”
“He would never leave—not as long as Anna is still here.”
Kate’s gaze softened fondly. “Yeah. He loves her.”
“We’re victims of the same madness.”
“You love Anna too?” Kate teased.
“You know who I’m talking about,” he growled, catching her before she could pull the door open and pinning her against it.
“You are being very insubordinate right now,” she told him sternly, while her eyes glimmered with humor.
“Are you going to punish me?”
“I might have to.” She reached up to cup his face, pulling him down for a brief kiss. “But you have a meeting to get to. So, shoo.” She herded him away from the door and finally let herself out, sauntering back to her domain on the floor just below his—where the Domovoy Charitable Foundation offices were housed.
He knew when she was back at her desk because his phone buzzed with an incoming message. She’d sent him a screenshot of a custom-made necklace from a high-end jeweler’s social media page. Huge emeralds and rubies set in clusters that looked like flowers and leaves, meant to wrap around a woman’s neck like a glittering garden.
Get me this, the attached message said.