Page 139 of Final Betrayal

McKeown was still talking. ‘But this is the good bit. They got a hit on the hairs from an unrelated case.’

‘What?’ Lottie and Boyd said.

‘It may be nothing, but a couple of years ago, Whyte’s Pharmacy was broken into. Samples were taken from all the employees to rule them out of the incident. I don’t know if the culprit was ever found. You might remember it, boss.’

‘McKeown, will you get to the point.’ Lottie slid off the desk and paced up and down in front of the boards.

‘The hair found on the bodies is a match for Megan Price.’

‘What? The hair from the crime scene at Petit Lane?’ Lottie digested the new information.

Boyd said, ‘Megan worked with Amy Whyte. It could have transferred from her clothing if their coats were hanging close together.’

‘No, Boyd,’ Lottie said. ‘Amy was out clubbing. Her clothing was nothing like what she would wear to work. And hairs were also found on Penny Brogan. We need to bring Megan in for questioning.’ She glanced around the room. ‘Where’s Kirby?’

They all looked round.

‘Didn’t you send him to Whyte’s Pharmacy to ask about the note Dowling sent to Amy?’ Boyd said.

Lottie had her phone in her hand calling Kirby as she ran out of the incident room.

There was no answer from Kirby, but as she went to tap his number for a third time, the phone vibrated with a text.

‘Leo,’ Lottie said.

‘What does it say?’ Boyd asked.

She read it out. ‘“Farranstown. Injured.”’

‘Does he say anything about Katie and Chloe?’

‘No.’ She sprang into action. ‘McKeown, you try to reach Kirby. Head down to the pharmacy and see if he’s still there. Take uniforms and bring in Megan Price. Boyd and I have to go to Farranstown.’

In the yard, she told Boyd to drive. He was a faster and safer driver. The sky was dark, with the yellow hue of street lights giving it a gothic air.

‘Will I put on the flashers?’

‘Yeah, do.’

‘We should radio for backup.’

‘Let’s see what Leo’s found first.’

Boyd switched on the flashing blue lights and headed out on the road towards Farranstown House.

‘Do you think Bernie’s there?’

‘I’ve no idea.’

‘If she is, she’s liable to do anything. We should radio for backup just in case.’

‘Shut up, Boyd.’

‘You’re being irrational, Lottie, though that’s nothing new.’

She refused to answer him.

‘It could be a trap,’ he said eventually.