‘I take it there’s been no sighting of Bernie Kelly?’ she said.
‘None,’ Kirby replied.
‘Anything at Farranstown House?’
‘Uniforms had a drive by. Nothing.’
‘And no other searches organised?’
‘Nope,’ McKeown said. ‘But I’ve got traffic and uniforms on the watch. Just to warn you, the superintendent is on the warpath over Cynthia Rhodes’ news clip from last night.’
‘Feck him. Any calls come in after that report?’ She couldn’t stop the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Fear trawled through her brain, squeezing it tight in a blasting headache.
‘A few cranks, but nothing concrete.’
‘Okay. Bring me up to speed on the murders then, before I see the super.’
Kirby stood and paced the cluttered office. ‘I was reviewing the Thompson file this morning, like you asked me to.’
‘I discovered that Bill Thompson was a councillor in his day.’
‘True. But as far as I recall, that had no bearing on what happened. He was a noted publican in Ragmullin. His business made a lot of money. Money that was stolen from him on the night in question and never recovered.’ She stood and went to the window. The crispness of the morning had given way to misty rain. ‘So, you discovered he was a councillor. What else?’
‘That made me wonder if there was another reason why he was targeted, apart from robbery.’
‘What other reason?’ Lottie frowned; she was finding it hard to follow where Kirby was leading her.
‘I cross-referenced with the local newspapers to see what was going on in Ragmullin at that time.’
‘And?’ She listened to Kirby’s feet pad around the office.
‘Cyril Gill had drawn up fairly sophisticated and progressive plans for an urban renewal project in the town. Most of the area was in the vicinity of the council buildings and the courthouse. In other words, Gaol Street and Petit Lane. And we know Thompson’s pub was situated on Gaol Street. A public meeting about rezoning of the development plan was held in the Joyce Hotel, recorded at the time by the local newspaper, The Tribune. One of the loudest objectors was Bill Thompson. He’s quoted in the article.’
Lottie continued to stare out the window. Had she missed something ten years ago?
‘In relation to the date of the attack on Thompson, when was that meeting held?’
‘Three weeks prior.’
‘It was unrelated,’ she said, trying to instil certainty into her voice. Superintendent Corrigan had been the SIO and she’d been the investigating detective. She couldn’t remember if they’d made the connection at the time. She’d have to read the file. When she got time. When she had her daughters home.
She turned to face the room. ‘Let me get this straight. Cyril Gill was behind an urban renewal planning application …’
‘Worth millions in EU grants,’ Kirby said.
‘… and Bill Thompson, who was on the council at the time, objected to the rezoning. Am I right so far?’ Jesus, her brain was in reverse this morning.
‘Correct,’ Kirby said.
‘Okay. Then Thompson was attacked and robbed. We had two witnesses who placed Conor Dowling near the scene.’
‘Cyril Gill’s daughter, Louise,’ Kirby said, ‘and Councillor Richard Whyte’s daughter, Amy.’
‘Shit. Was Whyte a supporter of Gill’s plans?’
‘Very much so.’