Kirby leaned his head to one side, studying the man. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘Now you’re going to tell me you don’t know her.’
Looking around for support, he saw McKeown still chatting with the chief fire officer. ‘Know who?’
The man sneered. ‘She’s a bit of all right, isn’t she?’
Kirby stuffed his hands in his pockets. ‘Who are you?’
‘Tony Keegan. Megan Price is my ex-wife.’
Kirby took a step backwards. He felt the need to get away from Keegan. Something about his eyes.
‘There’s nothing going on, if you must know.’ Why was he trying to explain?
‘You’re welcome to her,’ Keegan said. ‘Keeps her off my back. Can I carry on doing what I was at before you interrupted me?’
‘Sure.’ Kirby watched the man return to his work. ‘Who do you think might be buried down there?’
‘My friend.’
‘Who might that be?’
Keegan kept working. ‘Does the name Conor Dowling ring any bells?’
It sure did. ‘Why do you think he’s under there?’
‘Because I can’t find him anywhere else. His mother was on to me this morning. Frantic. No one to make her breakfast. Stupid wagon. How did she manage for the last ten years?’
How indeed? Kirby made his way back over the rubble towards McKeown.
As they walked up the street, McKeown said, ‘If Dowling is buried under that lot, what will it mean for the murder investigations?’
‘At least we’ll be able to get his DNA and see if it matches any of the forensic material found on the bodies or at the crime scenes.’
Megan Price entered the pharmacy feeling the dullness permeate the walls. It was odd without Richard there being his usual bustling self. He’d given her the keys and told her she was in charge until such time as he could get his head together and Amy’s funeral organised.
She let in the first two assistants and asked Trisha to make tea. She hung up her coat and pulled on her white work coat. It was old-fashioned, but she liked it because it gave her a feeling of importance and differentiated her from the underlings who struggled to put in a day’s work. At least Amy wasn’t around any longer with her smart comments and pungent perfume. She hoped the assistants were on top form today, because she needed to take a few hours off.
The door opened and she looked out from behind her counter to see Detective Kirby marching towards her.
‘Hi,’ she said.
He glanced around furtively, then leaned over to her and whispered, ‘You never told me about Tony Keegan.’
‘What about him?’
‘You were married to him.’
‘That’s no one’s business but my own.’
‘He’s friends with Conor Dowling.’
Megan’s expression was neutral. ‘So?’
‘Dowling is a person of interest in the recent murders. I’d have thought you’d tell me about your association with him.’