‘That’s right.’
‘Cristina Lee’s.’
‘Cristina? That’s the girl I suspected Louise might be in a relationship with. I could never bring myself to talk to her about it.’ He shook his head wearily. ‘Now it seems so inconsequential. My girl is gone. Was Cristina there? Was she harmed? Is she okay?’
The questions came fast, and Lottie knew she had to tell him.
‘I’m afraid not, Mr Gill. Cristina’s body was found with your daughter’s.’
When they exited the office, Lottie walked over to the man she’d seen at the door earlier.
‘Is Conor Dowling around?’
‘He was here a minute ago. We were working in the tunnel. Do you want me to look for him?’
‘What’s your name?’ she said.
‘Bob Cleary. I’m the site foreman.’
‘Can I have a look around?’
‘No can do. Health and Safety.’
‘I need to speak with Mr Dowling. Urgently.’
‘What’s he done?’
‘Nothing, as far as I know.’ She handed over her card. ‘Call me the minute you find him.’
She looked around. Boyd was talking to the Ducky lad at the security cabin. To her right, a group of builders were huddled together near a gaping hole at the edge of the old courthouse wall. Conor Dowling was with them, talking to an overweight man of around his own age; she thought she knew him from somewhere but couldn’t remember where. She took a step forward. Cleary stood in front of her.
‘Inspector, we’re on a tight schedule,’ he said.
‘Oh, come on. I’m investigating a series of murders.’ She shouldered her way past him and approached the men. ‘Conor Dowling, I’d like you to come with me.’
‘Yeah, seriously.’ She watched as he folded his arms defiantly. Fuck this for a game of shite, she thought, and walked into his space. ‘Now isn’t the time to play the smart-arse with me. I have four murdered women. You’re just out of prison and you have connections to two of them, so I need to talk to you.’
‘This is victimisation.’
‘Get in the fucking car!’ Grabbing him by the elbow, she steered him across the site towards Boyd.
Once Dowling was safely in the back seat, she exhaled loudly. She’d thought he would fight or run. She hadn’t expected him to acquiesce to her demands. He had acted like an innocent man.
With Conor sitting in the interview room, Lottie went to find someone who could fetch them all coffee.
‘You’ve nothing to hold him on.’ Boyd marched up and down the corridor.
‘Keep your voice down. McMahon will hear you. Jesus, the whole town will hear you.’
‘So what? It’s true. You’ve singled him out just because he’s been released from prison and has a decade-old connection to the dead women. This is ludicrous. You need something more.’
‘Right then, I’ll interview him alone and you can pussyfoot around for the rest of the day.’ She walked away, then stopped. ‘And get the damn coffee.’