‘Naomi’s younger sister. Come to think of it, where is her mother?’
‘Probably still in there.’
He began to move away, but Sinead stood her ground, one eye on Inspector Parker and Kiernan getting into her car.
‘Wait a minute. Listen, you sought me out. You told me things you think the guards don’t know. Isn’t it time you told them? Or…’ The darkness in his eyes made her stall. Shit. Had she made a huge mistake?
‘Or what?’
‘Or someone else might die,’ she whispered.
‘No one listened to me when I voiced my fears before; what will make them listen now? No, I’ve taken things into my own hands and I intend to finish them. And like I said before, Sinead, you should concern yourself with the safety of your little girl.’
He brushed past her so quickly, she tottered sideways and almost ended up in a prickly hedge. Fear lodged like a golf ball in the centre of her throat. Had Julian Bradley just threatened her daughter?
When she got her breath back, he was nowhere to be seen. She ran to her car, determined to follow the inspector and tell her all she knew. As she ran, she tapped McKeown’s number. Maybe he could tell her what was going on. The call went to voicemail.
She’d have to phone Carol again to make sure Annie was okay. Julian Bradley had her spooked.
* * *
‘Where is she?’ Lottie rushed into the hospital and headed straight for Kirby. The emergency department was unusually quiet.
‘A doctor is with her, but indications are that she’s physically unharmed. No visible wounds.’
‘Thank God for that. Where’s Alfie? Any sign of him?’
‘Nothing yet. Boss, do you think he… I know we don’t want to believe it, but could he have killed Willow and Naomi?’
‘It’s hard to believe, but it’s entirely possible. Our first priority is to find him. We need to consider that he could be in danger.’ She sensed Isaac moving beside her. ‘My detective will take you to see your daughter now.’
‘Did I let a killer into my house?’
‘We have no evidence to support that. Go to your little girl.’
She watched as Kirby guided the distraught father into the cubicle. She tried calling Boyd again. Still no answer. What was he up to? She needed him now more than ever.
She made her way back to the station, where she met Maria Lynch.
‘Thank God the child was found,’ Lynch said.
‘Aren’t you supposed to be at Zara Devine’s house?’ Lottie regretted her sharp tone immediately.
‘I needed a break from her. Garda Lei is filling in for a few hours. That was a while ago now. Maybe he’ll stay a bit longer.’
‘How is Zara?’ Lottie slumped onto her chair as Lynch followed her into the office.
‘I can’t get a handle on her at all. I know that people grieve in different ways, but she’s so dismissive of Harper. The child has issues, and I’m not just talking about her muteness; I’m kind of not surprised about that.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Can’t put my finger on it, but it’s like she’s indifferent to the little girl.’
‘That could be a by-product of grief. She resents Harper because Willow is dead.’
‘You could be right.’ Lynch sat. ‘What do you want me to do?’